Below are all stories archived as Inner
An Amazing Discovery of Self
I am a high school senior known for my opinions. Because I often conflicted with my southern conservative classmates, I had been called every name under the sun. Some included “crazy liberal”, “freak”, even “devil”. I hated going to school each day because I felt like everyone had a problem with who I was as…
Read More →20lbs gone in 8 weeks!
In January, I was in a terrible car accident, which was sort of the tip of what the prior twelve months had brought me. I had lost my mother, grandmother, cousin, and my engagement had ended. As I was sitting home in a wheelchair, feeling sorry for myself, I saw The Secret on Oprah. The…
Read More →Believing Is Seeing
There was a 17 year old emancipated boy who was homeless, broke, living in the streets, rock bottom, lowest point in life and having suicidal thoughts of how his life was over. At this point most people turn to GOD. Now this kid was not religious, but all his friends who were said that God…
Read More →Work in Progress
I grew up with a spiritualist family. I was always told that words are living things. I had always been exposed to the mysteries of life like a family of gypsies. So the secret was nothing new to me, however I never had it organized into thought and explained the way it was with this…
Read More →Life is Wonderful!
I was living in a world of stress, fatigue and depression. I wanted to stop the world and get off. I was taking anti-depressants, sleeping aids and nothing seemed to work. One day my sister told me of the follow-up show to The Secret on Oprah. I told her that I would watch it but…
Read More →Helping Brings Joy & Improved Mind
A friend of mine returned from a cruise on which she had seen the movie The Secret. She was excited to go purchase the movie after her first day back to work, even though she had to drive 35 minutes each direction in rush hour traffic to buy the movie. I’d heard of the book,…
Read More →Abundant Roller Skates
The first time I remember using the Secret, I was about eight years old. My cousins, brother and I had all been given roller skates for the summer. All of them had mastered the art of skating, except me. One hot, sultry summer day, I was sick for some reason and couldn’t go out to…
Read More →The New Meaning for ME
My mother called and told me about watching Oprah – she wanted me to record it. I ended up getting into the show at the tail end. I was curious so I decided to go to the website logging in I liked what I was learning so I looked into my book club and ordered…
Read More →Full circle
On the 23rd of Feb I went for a drink with a friend. She said, “Have you seen The Secret?” I actually had no idea what she was talking about but listened with interest as she explained briefly. I forgot all about this but 3 days later I saw a DVD sitting on my mother’s…
Read More →Unbroken Promises
I decided to title our story unbroken promises because of now that we have learned The Secret I know that no matter what happens everything we have is based on the promise of a universal law – a law that cannot ever be broken. On March 23rd 2005 as I was shopping and my husband…
Read More →A Warm Light…
I’m not too clear on the dates, but I believe that it was sometime in the beginning of February when I planned on going to the bookstore to get a book for work. I quickly jumped onto the internet to make sure the bookstore had it in stock when another book showed up on the…
Read More →For all you soon-to-be Mum’s out there…
I have always believed, what you think about you bring about and become. My whole life that principle had worked when I would think about my friends. If I would think about my girlfriend because I hadn’t heard from her in a while, she would end up ringing me a couple of hours after that…
Read More →Secret Hearts
A few nights ago after reading The Secret, I sat pondering this theory on the law of attraction, wondering if it truly applied to my thoughts. Honestly, it wasn’t the first time I’ve heard of this “secret.” Neale Donald Walsch first introduced it to me with his movie Indigo, and I attribute much of my…
I was on vacation the week that The Secret shows aired on The Oprah Winfrey Show. DVR is a beautiful thing! I have been searching for all of my life for what was right in front of me. I am not even sure where to start, I watched the shows, ordered the video for myself…
Read More →An Instant Cure
I had been living incompletely and unhappily my whole adult life. I was the most negative person you’d ever meet; I lost all interest in any of my hobbies; I didn’t like to be around people; I lived with a constant hopelessness that I couldn’t overcome no matter how I tried. When I woke up…
Read More →Yellow Walls
So here I was just finishing a book on intuition and I turned on Oprah for a brief ten minutes. My boys were home from school and I had no time for Oprah. I watched a whole ten minutes and that was enough. By the time I made it to the bookstore to pick up…
Read More →Lost Weight, Created a New Life!
Throughout my childhood and 20’s I was overweight. I was told I was “big boned” and not athletic. I admired pictures of models in sports magazines who wore two-pieces, but knew I’d be the woman who wouldn’t even brave wearing shorts. That all changed in my late 20’s. At 214 pounds, I went to a…
Read More →Enlightenment on the Past
I am new to The Secret (relatively), as I only viewed it for the first time around mid-December of last year (2006). Before I begin my short stories on how The Secret has affected my life so far, I wish to give you all a brief history on how the Secret came into my and…
Read More →A Spirit of Serenity
A few years ago, I wrote a book. A memoir, it began as a story about my struggle with an incurable cancer. Iâd been diagnosed in the year of 2000. Four years later, I became legally blind and no one could tell me why. The assumption was that the toxic effect of chemotherapy had damaged…
Read More →Led right to it. Astounding.
I have no doubt in my mind, that the past 3 weeks have led me to the “Secret”. Being a guitar player, I’ve always loved Jimi Hendrix, he’s been such an inspiration both musically and in his words. For some reason, the past 3 weeks, I’ve been *really* into his music. That fire of intense…
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