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Ask, Believe, Receive
Submitted by: Gail Mitchell
Conyers, GAChild of God, Wife, Mother, Entreprenuer
I was introduced to The Secret at a meeting. Little did I know how much it would change my life and my perception of me.
In all my years as an adult, I’ve not been one to latch on to “self-help” material. I thought it was boring, what could it teach me? Viewing The Secret has not only changed my perception of what self-help is but how to use and absorb it.
After viewing The Secret, a friend and I began discussing it and she told me she had actually gone to the website, looked it over and decided she was going to receive an unexpected check in the mail. Needless to say she did! I said, ok, I’ll do the same, and much to my delight not only did receive an unexpected check in the mail, I made an unexpected sale of $45 the same day! Awesome!!
I then went to the website, looked it over, and decided I needed to have the book. I purchased the book and it became my “daily devotion” to read it from cover to cover. Each morning I would open it to no particular section, read from there to the end of the segment and “live” what I had read that morning.
I also finally took the step and put my dreams and goals on paper (something my District Manager had been asking me to do for the past two years). I created a picture page and a Secret Shifters page.
With all inside me, I felt I needed a laptop computer to take my business to the next level. You see I am an Avon Lady and I wanted to share the potential with as many as I could and having this tool would help me do so. On my Secret Shifters page I placed things that would daily remind me why I am doing what I am doing. My husband, a laptop, a new vehicle, 6-digit winnings and my children. In that precise order.
Now the thing about it, between my husband and my children, I placed a date in which I “expected” to receive things. I even began to tell people at work “Someone is going to give me a laptop computer by Friday – WITH NO STRINGS ATTACHED”. You see, I was scheduled to attend a Leadership Conference in Dallas starting the following week (Aug 15-17, 2007). I did not receive my computer by that Friday so I rented one to take with me with the intentions of returning it upon my return.
A significant date in my life: on Thursday, August 16, at the dinner party they held for us they announced that Dell (one of the vendors in attendance) was giving away not one but FIVE laptops. The person announcing the names (I apologize for not remembering her name) had just bungled the name of someone and when given the next slip (for the first computer) said “Oh, this one is easy, I can say this”. I said in my mind “Gail”, she said “Gail”, I said “Mitchell”, she said “Mitchell”; I jumped six feet out of the air! I won’t say I couldn’t believe it, because of “The Secret” I expected it and received it!
It doesn’t stop there, upon returning home yesterday my husband and I were sitting at the table reliving this awesome experience when he says he is going to take my 1995 Toyota, get new tires, get it tuned up, cleaned up (10 years of two boys and an Avon Lady in a car can take it’s toll), and give it to my youngest son so he would have transportation. Thereby giving me the Dodge Van to drive. Now the van is 1998, but it will be new for me because I will own it (he’s transferring the title).
All of what I have shared with you I had put a date of August 31 to RECEIVE. TWO DOWN, ONE TO GO!!!!
THANK YOU for coming into my life at the appropriate time, THANK YOU for redirecting my energies back to me, THANK YOU, just THANK YOU.
I shall drop you a much shorter “note” when I receive my monies!