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Positive Thinking, Positive Outcome
Submitted by: Natalie
New Zealand21yrs, dispatcher and entrepreneur
I have always tried to be optimistic about life, but somehow I was never truly satisfied with anything even after doing the “right thing”. My dad is rather negative about things… it used to get me in a bad mood just being around him.
I vaguely read about THE SECRET in a girly mag and it said within 6 days I’d hear about it from another source. Keep in mind that without being motivated enough to actually look for it, I stumbled upon it on the net within those 6 days.
I ended up watching the movie and it has absolutely changed the way I think and control my feelings.
I’m quite emotional, especially if things don’t go my way, and applying The Secret to the way I see things has dramatically changed the environment I am living in. It has only been a week since I watched the movie and good things are already happening. I wake up happy, any negative thoughts I have are easily swayed now because I can change my negative thoughts into positive feelings. It’s so wonderful applying THE SECRET that I think about it all the time in everything I do.
My dad is allot better to be around, and finding The Secret has shown me that it wasn’t my dad who threw negative thoughts at me, but myself for not thinking positively. He is also showing signs of the effects of my thinking and I am grateful to have him in my life.
I also bought the book which is amazing on its own (it is only the 2nd book I have ever bought), and I read it as much as I can. The morning before I bought the book I woke up sooo happy, my mum gave me a big smile, the house was clean, my dad washed the dog (we have had many arguments over that!). My mum told me that we’d go and visit my nephew who was over from Australia who I missed and couldn’t wait to see, it had been a few weeks since I’d seen my best friend and we shared a great lunch together that day and afterwards I happily walked through the rain to buy this amazing book!
We are all faced with so many challenges that it is finally great to know that you can just wake up and just be! Be happy, be strong, be positive.
I am grateful to just be a positive light in the universe, and the universe has granted my wish!!
I can’t wait for what I know and believe is in store for ME!!