Below are all stories archived as Health
Manifesting My Twin Baby Boys.
Hello everyone, I am Pooja from Pune India. I would like to share the story of my conceiving my twin baby boys. We were trying to conceive a baby in 2019, however, in 2019 I was diagnosed with UTI. For a few months, I was struggling with the medication I was taking for the UTI….
Read More →Beautiful Skin And Smile.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you to the Universe for always magically turning everything in my favor. Thank you to the entire team of The Secret and all the amazing people on this platform who post their stories, which give faith to all of us. So this is my story about my beautiful,…
Read More →My Testimonies.
I came across The Secret Super App in November of 2023. At that time, I was jobless, and my entire being was feeling devastated, abandoned, and rejected. I had debt and abject poverty. I couldn’t even feed my two little girls, and my wife turned against me bitterly. I was living in a single room…
Read More →Instant Sign!
I was going through a rough time due to health issues since I became a mom. My husband introduced The Secret to me. I spoke to a few doctors, and all of them suggested surgery. I was contemplating it and nervous about it. One evening, I tried to connect with the Universe by being thankful…
Read More →Complete Recovery Of My Father.
I have been using the law of attraction for more than ten years. I have always gotten one hundred percent results. But this time it was a little bit difficult. My father had a stroke this January, and suddenly, our lives changed. It was a difficult time. But I always kept my belief in the…
Read More →Yes, The Universe Does Answer!
Hello everyone! This is more than just a story, it is my thank you note to the Universe, God, The Secret team, Rhonda, and everyone out here. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you so very much, I am so grateful! Just a few days ago, I was in complete distress. I didn’t know…
Read More →Manifested Flawless Skin!
I just wanted to share my story of how I manifested flawless and healthy skin using the law of attraction (LOA). I was born with hyperpigmented and super-sensitive skin, which was a hereditary issue in my family. I had 40 black warts on my face since childhood and had undergone electrolysis treatments in the past…
Read More →Seeking A Baby For So Long.
I’m from South Africa in a location called Boipatong, Vanderbijlpark. I have a twin brother and a big sister. Our late parents raised us with love and respect. Now me and my twin brother are working. I was diagnosed with depression in 2020 but since I read The Secret books my life changed. I’m grateful…
Read More →Perfect Vision And A Perfect Life.
This story serves as a reminder to everyone reading that anything is possible if you dare to believe. I have been wearing glasses since the sixth grade due to my poor eyesight of -4. I desired perfect vision, and I truly believed it was achievable. Now, I am grateful to say that I have perfect…
Read More →The Power Behind The Secret Of Gratitude.
For a long time, my life felt meaningless. I felt completely hopeless. That was until I came across The Magic book. I began practicing the methods inside until I reached The Magic practice called The Secret Rock. Despite my uncertainty, I believed in the book and was determined to complete the practice that night. Fortunately,…
Read More →Healed!
Thank you for sharing these wonderful stories. As I was reading the stories on this page, my leg was hurting very badly. I just thanked the Universe for healing my leg, and within a minute the pain was gone. I feel blessed. Thank you so much for this wonderful power.
Read More →The Universe’s Sign.
I have been suffering from a terrible postpartum hair loss for the past seven years. Recently, I started doing things differently using The Secret. I started using hair packs, visualizing myself with great hair; I started feeling good about the whole situation and a couple of other things as well. I also asked the Universe…
Read More →Miracle Of Maa Kali, Gratitude To The Universe.
Here is my story about my father. My father is a very emotional person. He loves me very much. So for several years, he had knee pain. Day by day it was increasing and making him more uncomfortable. He was taking all kinds of medicine too. He did some physiotherapy too but no permanent solutions…
Read More →Pregnancy Blessed By God.
Hey everybody. This is my second story in less than a month. I am so very thankful to God and Rhonda, mam. Last year, May 3rd was a day I can not forget. I lost my pregnancy in the 5th month. I give birth to my daughter. She was alive when she came out of…
Read More →From Postpartum Issues To Healthy Life.
This is my 3rd story on The Secret site. This is something that I had actually first visualized first. I was going through a lot of postpartum depression, and so were the issues. I applied The Secret tools to all areas of my life. Now, it’s a year later, and I am pain-free, absolutely healthy,…
Read More →Visualization And Burning Desire Works!
I want to share my experiences with visualization before I read The Secret. I was studying in my final year of B.Com and was waiting for my second year results at that time. I had a fantasy of earning a medal in academics someday, just like that. I don’t know what happened to me or…
Read More →Positivity And Reduction Of Fear And Anxiety.
My story is something like a miracle. Whenever I had a situation where things were not in my favor only then would miracles start in my life. Even before knowing the power of the Universe and even now as well. Just a few days ago I was feeling anxiety and fear just because of a…
Read More →Daughter’s Periods.
This is my second story here. It is very beautiful. Thank you, thank you, thank you! My daughter was having an issue with not having regular periods. Without taking medication, her periods were very irregular. I asked the Universe to solve this problem, and I really believe in the Universe. And guess what?! My daughter’s…
Read More →Refund.
I have been practicing The Secret for as long as I can remember. There was a time I did not even know I was practicing it before I knew about it. I received a cheque for 10,000 euros. That was my first instance of manifesting big. Recently, I have been doing my daily practices and…
Read More →Miracle In My Situation.
Hello everyone, Firstly, I would like to say thank you so very much for The Secret book by Rhonda Byrne. This book really changed my life. I felt ill in 2020 and after some time I had a blood test. That was how I found out that I had TB in my spine. Then my…
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