Below are all stories archived as Feel Good
Awakening While Reading The Secret!
Three years ago, I purchased The Secret book. I read it every day and night. This is the book that has so much magic happening in it. All of a sudden, one day, the book was able to answer all of my questions in my mind. I could not sleep at night thinking how wonderful…
Read More →Manifested.
I manifested pastry one day and samosa the other day. I was astonished by how fast it manifested. I just thought about the samosa, and it appeared in front of me within 10 minutes, out of nowhere. I am so excited for my next manifestation. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Read More →Manifested Approval Of Working License.
First of all, thank you to everyone who has been sharing their stories here. It has always been my dream to work in the USA, and I have been waiting for my California state working license for over two years and the long waiting period was making me lose hope. Then, one day, after reading…
Read More →Little Help From The Universe!
So we had this Amazon great Indian sale going on where they offered heavy discounts on mobiles. My phone was old so I thought of making the most of it. I purchased a mobile that came with the earbuds for free. However, the invoice reflected a significant cost for the earbuds so in a panic,…
Read More →Party Magnet.
Thank you so very much to God. Thank you so very much to all the people out there who share their stories. Thank you so very much to Rhonda and The Secret team! I have been practicing the law of attraction since my mother told me about it when I was 12 years old, and…
Read More →Feel Good And Manifest Money.
I wanted to manifest twelve lakh rupees in a week’s time, so I was practicing gratitude and truly believed that that I would manifest twelve lakh rupees. I had complete faith and kept practicing gratitude, believing that I would get it. However, by the time the week was about to end, I started having doubts….
Read More →Start With Something Small.
I saw The Secret documentary back in 2010 or so, but I did not practice it at that time. Then again, in 2018, I came across the book and started reading it. I read it again and again. Also, I got the book “How the Secret Changed My Life” from the library, and I am…
Read More →Signs Are Everywhere!
I was reading a story on The Secret Super App today and realized that the Universe has also answered me in so many ways. As I read the line from one of the stories, “The Universe always has my back,” the time turned to 11:11. Thank you for the sign, Universe!
Read More →Beautiful Skin And Smile.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you to the Universe for always magically turning everything in my favor. Thank you to the entire team of The Secret and all the amazing people on this platform who post their stories, which give faith to all of us. So this is my story about my beautiful,…
Read More →Feelings.
Thank you so very much to Rhonda, ma’am; you have guided me in the right way!! Today, I celebrated the triumph of my compassionate spirit. I helped a struggling individual, selflessly sharing my time and support. Seeing the relief and gratitude in their eyes, my heart swelled with joy and purpose. Later, I embraced the…
Read More →Dream And You Shall Receive.
After several years watching the food prices soar, I decided to start preserving food again. It gets quite costly when my family comes home to visit and I make dinner for them. Little did I realize that the canning essentials were quite costly to buy. The canning pots alone were over sixty dollars. The canning…
Read More →Manifested A Seat.
Firstly, thank you to the Universe and God, for your abundance of grace and blessings at all times in my life. My Secret manifestation story is about a family trip we planned. In India, there is a concept called RAC ( Reservation Against Cancellation) in train bookings for night journeys, which means your travel is…
Read More →Got Best Outgoing Student Award!
So first of all, I would like to say thank you to the Universe for bringing such amazing living experiences into my life. Also, thank you for The Magic. I am a final year of Engineering student and every year at the farewell, the college selects the best outgoing student. Someone that is just amazing…
Read More →My Testimonies.
I came across The Secret Super App in November of 2023. At that time, I was jobless, and my entire being was feeling devastated, abandoned, and rejected. I had debt and abject poverty. I couldn’t even feed my two little girls, and my wife turned against me bitterly. I was living in a single room…
Read More →The Gift.
I was introduced to The Secret book by my girlfriend’s father. She and her father had both read the book, and they gave it to me because I was losing all hope of achieving my goals. When I started reading The Secret, I became very interested in the subject because I had never imagined that…
Read More →Welcome!
I started doing the welcoming that I learned from Rhonda, and OMG! Thank you!!! I read The Greatest Secret book, and I loved it! I started doing the welcoming tips and tricks for thoughts and emotions. I am not going to lie; it was hard at first because I had so much built up, and…
Read More →The Little Things.
I live on the Northern Rivers of NSW in a beautiful little beachside town with my partner and my son in a cute house that we have made our home! I work at the best place I could imagine with amazing people, and with my son by my side. My partner works with an amazing…
Read More →Didn’t Realize I Manifested Our Vacation.
I am a total believer in the law of attraction although I wasn’t sure if I was doing it right. In all honesty, I have practiced and experienced the power of gratitude without even realizing it for years but this one time was beyond amazing. I am so happy and grateful that without even realizing…
Read More →The Power Behind The Secret Of Gratitude.
For a long time, my life felt meaningless. I felt completely hopeless. That was until I came across The Magic book. I began practicing the methods inside until I reached The Magic practice called The Secret Rock. Despite my uncertainty, I believed in the book and was determined to complete the practice that night. Fortunately,…
Read More →The Universe Takes Care Of Little Things Too.
I sometimes get scared about my finances because I have a one income situation. I am the breadwinner of the family, and sometimes, it feels a bit overwhelming. But then I try to hold on to the belief that the Universe has got my back and I will always be abundant in every way. I…
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