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A Cup of Coffee
Submitted by: Kelly D.
Seattle, WALoving wife and mother of two. Strong believer in The Secret.
I received The Secret book from my boss as an appreciation gift. I read the first 20 pages and put it down as I was in school at the time and didn’t have an abundance of time for auxillary reading. I finished my classes last week and immediately picked up the book. Upon completing it I put out to the universe that I desired a cup of coffee. A humble request. Something that only I ever bring to myself. I thought on my request for a brief few minutes and was appreciative for receiving it.
Later that early afternoon I picked up my kids from my in-laws house and my mother in law offered me a cup of coffee. She had explained to me that she felt the need to make a pot of coffee mid morning, something that they don’t do in their house as her and my father-in-law enjoy one cup together early each morning and that is as far as their coffee drinking goes. But, this day she felt compelled to brew another cup. I enjoyed that cup of coffee with her good company that afternoon, realizing to myself that my positive energy had brought me what I had asked for. I was appreciative and grateful, for the coffee, for the universe, and for the joy that visiting with her and my father-in-law had brought me.