Below are all stories archived as Letting Go
Little Help From The Universe!
So we had this Amazon great Indian sale going on where they offered heavy discounts on mobiles. My phone was old so I thought of making the most of it. I purchased a mobile that came with the earbuds for free. However, the invoice reflected a significant cost for the earbuds so in a panic,…
Read More →Party Magnet.
Thank you so very much to God. Thank you so very much to all the people out there who share their stories. Thank you so very much to Rhonda and The Secret team! I have been practicing the law of attraction since my mother told me about it when I was 12 years old, and…
Read More →Beautiful Skin And Smile.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you to the Universe for always magically turning everything in my favor. Thank you to the entire team of The Secret and all the amazing people on this platform who post their stories, which give faith to all of us. So this is my story about my beautiful,…
Read More →It Has Already Happened!
Thank you to everyone who has shared their story here. Seeing you win makes it clear that I can achieve my goals, too! I have just started my coaching business, and it is already working. I am sharing my story of success because it is already happening, and I know it has already grown even…
Read More →The Gift.
I was introduced to The Secret book by my girlfriend’s father. She and her father had both read the book, and they gave it to me because I was losing all hope of achieving my goals. When I started reading The Secret, I became very interested in the subject because I had never imagined that…
Read More →Welcome!
I started doing the welcoming that I learned from Rhonda, and OMG! Thank you!!! I read The Greatest Secret book, and I loved it! I started doing the welcoming tips and tricks for thoughts and emotions. I am not going to lie; it was hard at first because I had so much built up, and…
Read More →Yes, The Universe Does Answer!
Hello everyone! This is more than just a story, it is my thank you note to the Universe, God, The Secret team, Rhonda, and everyone out here. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you so very much, I am so grateful! Just a few days ago, I was in complete distress. I didn’t know…
Read More →The Soulmate.
It’s been about three months since the love of my life, the man I truly believe is my soulmate, ended our relationship, leaving me feeling utterly shattered. Initially, I was in a state of disarray, not knowing how to move forward with my life. It was around a month after the breakup that one of…
Read More →Healed My Relationship With My Boyfriend.
I met my boyfriend over a year ago, and he is everything I had ever hoped for and wanted in a relationship. However, with time, I became negative about him and our relationship. I became controlling and judgmental and nagged him to change. My boyfriend, being the wonderful man he is, did his best to…
Read More →Finally Realized It Works!
I’ve been following The Secret for years, usually by listening to the various audiobooks. The problem was, it wasn’t really working but I stuck with it. The other week, I envisioned a good friend, whom I’d not heard from in months, contacting me. That very evening, he messaged me, and we ended up exchanging messages…
Read More →My First Love.
When I was studying for my diploma, I met a boy, and his name was Chandra. At that time, he would not talk with me, but he was my sister’s friend, so he was talking with her only. That was when I was getting jealous of my sister. After the holidays, I stayed at home….
Read More →The Universe Takes Care Of Little Things Too.
I sometimes get scared about my finances because I have a one income situation. I am the breadwinner of the family, and sometimes, it feels a bit overwhelming. But then I try to hold on to the belief that the Universe has got my back and I will always be abundant in every way. I…
Read More →Proof It Works, Over And Over.
Firstly, thank you so much to all the kind souls who have written their stories before me. Sometimes, it is hard to stay in a positive frame of mind, so I thank you all for helping me to do so. And, of course, thank you to the wonderful Rhonda Byrne and her team for filling…
Read More →Pregnancy Blessed By God.
Hey everybody. This is my second story in less than a month. I am so very thankful to God and Rhonda, mam. Last year, May 3rd was a day I can not forget. I lost my pregnancy in the 5th month. I give birth to my daughter. She was alive when she came out of…
Read More →Winning An iPhone 15!
A few weeks ago I took part in an iPhone 15 giveaway held by a bank. At that time, I was opening the application when I saw the giveaway information in the notification. At that time I was planning to change my cell phone because my current cell phone was too small in my hand….
Read More →Positivity And Reduction Of Fear And Anxiety.
My story is something like a miracle. Whenever I had a situation where things were not in my favor only then would miracles start in my life. Even before knowing the power of the Universe and even now as well. Just a few days ago I was feeling anxiety and fear just because of a…
Read More →I Asked, I Believed, And I Received It!!
With absolute gratitude in my heart, I want to thank Rhonda Byrne and her entire team for creating the books and spreading the knowledge of the law of attraction and gratitude, which was unknown to many. The more this information is spread to the world, the more lives have started changing for the better. So,…
Read More →Refund.
I have been practicing The Secret for as long as I can remember. There was a time I did not even know I was practicing it before I knew about it. I received a cheque for 10,000 euros. That was my first instance of manifesting big. Recently, I have been doing my daily practices and…
Read More →iPhone 12.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you so very much to everyone who shares their stories on this site. A special thank you to Rhonda and the whole team of The Secret. I am a Makeup Artist by profession and I wanted to start my YouTube Channel. I also want to make videos for…
Read More →Diwali Bonus.
Well, I had become very negative over the past few months. The work pressure, office culture, and my colleagues had taken a toll on my mind. Everything I tried to manifest seemed to have repelled itself from coming to fruition. Be it a new better job, a new friend circle or be it anything small….
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