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It works… it REALLY works
Submitted by: Susi Stoye
Adelaide, South AustraliaI am 53 years old, and have been using The Secret for the past year without realising it, but consciously using it for the past 2-3 months
Do you know, I wrote about a month ago about how disappointed I was when The Secret didn’t provide what I was asking for in the timeline I wanted. Well… this gentle but powerful source really DOES know the best way for things to come to you. In the past two weeks I have suddenly been able to buy a secondhand car (and it drives like a dream.. a really gentle lady’s car) and I have won a full time position overnight! I went to a temp assignment and got offered the job the second day I was there! How amazing is that?! Not only that, but the company ended up having to pay a $10,000 fee to buy me out of the Agency, and they did – and when I offered to pay it rather than risk losing the job, they declined and paid it themselves – I started today! I DRIVE to work all the way across the city in 15 mins (and believe me, after catching two buses to get everywhere, that really is a dream come true) and all the way I am saying over and over again – THANK YOU for my car! THANK YOU for my new job! To be so very grateful and full of joy has been miraculous – I’ve always seen the dark side of everything, but suddenly, just since I’ve been using The Secret, my attitude has done a flip and now life seems simply so sweet and full of love and light. THANK YOU for giving me, ME!