Below are all stories archived as Life
Life changing secret! Friend in loss
Hello my name is ryan,at one time I was being bulled for no reason. When I watched the secret it was life changing! All the people that were mean went away in a flash! Also my vison bord is coming true! I said I wanted to be a gifted ,creative ,talented artist and ever since…
Read More →Journey to The Secret
Forty years ago I started my journey with a small book called “The Magic of Believing” by Claud Bristol. Since then I have read hundreds of books, attended many workshops, including those of 8 of The Secret contributors. I have accomplished much, have a beautiful child after being told I would never be able to…
Read More →A Free trip to Hawaii materializes…
I have just started a wedding planning company in Texas. To begin, I had the idea that I would reach out to friends, and family first, so I sent out an email to about 500 people I know and adore telling them about my new venture. One of my friends called me back to tell…
Read More →Checks in the mail
In only 5 weeks after watching the secret dvd I now own my own business without shelling out one dime out of my pocket, I used to be broke and without a steady job. Now I get checks in the mail, I never really thought how it could materialize but I just put my faith…
Read More →The Half Million Dollar Dream Home
I just wanted to say that I watched The Secret for the first time about 3 weeks ago. I watch it everyday. I just wanted to thank the creators of the movie, the staff, all of you, everyone…. I was homeless when I watched The Secret, living out of my fiance’s car..we both were. Now,…
Read More →What a beautiful journey !
I had a car accident, and I was not able to go anywhere but to and from my childrens schools. My bank account had gone haywire. I was looking for inspiration to change things. I knew there was something more but could never figure it out. I then saw that Ellen Degeneres was having some…
Read More →I Always Knew It Was Out There
I live in Australia and have recently moved from Sydney (New South Wales) to a beautiful area in the hinterland of the Gold Coast in Queensland. My huband and I have been retired since April 2005 on the basis that we had set up various income streams to facilitate our retirement. Unfortunately, the biggest ones…
Read More →Confirmation
I’ve always known that there are principles in the universe that fall into place according to whatever we say and feel. Optimists attract more happiness to them, while pessimists steadily decline. The Secret blew my mind, however, and made everything so clear to me. So far I’ve let my friends watch it and I’ve spread…
Read More →Rock’N’Roll “The Secret” style
I have been watching the secret for many months now, and it has truly made my life extraordinary. Although there are still aspects of my life I’m trying to work out, I’m absolutely positive I will do so. Despite these few wrinkles I’m smoothing out, I have already done much with the secret. I have…
Read More →I paid off my mortgage using The Secret
The SECRET came to me in early November 2006. The trailer was mesmerizing. I watched it a number of times. Searched out the book and ordered it from AMAZON as it was not yet available at our CHAPTERS book store yet. I devoured the book in a few days, read it again and I am…
Read More →Emerging from the Abyss
Over the last three years my life has been absolutely unbearable, miserable, and rapidly deteriorating in what appeared to be a permanent downward spiral. Over the last two years I had suffered through one devastating catastrophe after another and I could not understand why. All I knew was that these catastrophes continued to occur. So…
Read More →I see MIRACLES every day
A friend recommended that I watch the secret, so I watched it online at first and cried nearly the whole time. My whole life, I have always felt that there was something more, something that I was missing. This was it and I knew it! Since watching the secret and applying it to my life,…
Read More →Giving up …almost…..
About 6 years ago before ever hearing of “the Secret” someone once told me to “Let go and Let God” I had never thought about that before as actually working ….At this particular time in my life I had been on disability leave from work (I was injured on the job), my rent was 3…
Read More →Gratitude
The first time I saw ‘the secret’ was at movie night, sitting comfortably in a friend’s living room with my girlfriend & her friends. Everyone gathered around anticipating something great, because she had expressed such joy & enthusiam about the film. Almost immediately it captured every person’s attention, causing some to even get pen &…
Read More →How the Secret has transformed my life.
Last year I was so depressed about my marriage and the lack of understanding between my wife and I that I had to get professional help. I had always been a spiritual person and knew about angels and prayer, but for whatever reason I had drifted away. I was stuck in the day to worrying…
Hello to all, The Great Secret has changed my life forever. Me and my girlfriend were sleeping in parks and abandoned apartments. I felt like I had nothing to live for anymore. I also lost my two young children and their mother in a tragic fire. I was drinking every day to numb the pain….
Read More →Playing Gigs
Recently and friend from college and I played a gig at a restaurant near my residence. Normally I would play a gig and never get called back. So when we set this gig up, I used the secret and focused on playing my best and sounding great and also made sure that my friend did…
Read More →An opposite reaction!
A few weeks before I encountered The Secret, I’ve applied for this particular education loan from my local government, only to be rejected after two weeks prior to the submission of all the forms and documents. The rejection didn’t seemed to be an issue to me because I know that my parents could afford my…
Read More →Milion Dollar Manifesting Circle
The Secret Movie has inspired many wonderful manifestations and many new friends for which I am very grateful. One magnificent manifestation is my Million Dollar Manifesting Circle, which was inspired when I listened to Jack Canfield in The Secret Movie tell the story of how he manifested $100,000 by writing on a one dollar bill…
Read More →Manefesto…
After watching the Secret, peace filled every ounce of my being. The truth has been there all along. So my manifestation was that of a financial nature. I am a car salesman and had experience the worst two months of my career there and I sent out to the Universe exactly what I needed for…
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