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A hand in fate
Submitted by: Alexis S.
GreeceI am in my twenties and am really trying to transform my life for the better.
I had never been a believer that the universe really answers your prayers until one late night in college. I was in a deep depression, struggling with school, friends, family crises, sickness, with hardly any support from anyone. I remember being curled up in a ball in my dorm room crying. Everything in every area of my life was at its worst and I was at one of the lowest points in my life. I remember silently praying as hard as I could that something good would happen in my life to take a way from all the heartache I was experiencing. I needed a spark of something exciting and happy to awaken my soul and make me feel alive again inside, not just weighed down by all my obligations and issues. I prayed, please bring something good into my life.
Well, 2 weeks later I took a trip to visit some roommates from college. We were out at a bar having drinks and dancing when I see this guy from across the room who was striking and caught my attention. I don’t know if it was the pull of the universe or what but he made his way through the crowd to me. We started dancing and I felt immediately attracted to him and remember thinking, he is the man of my dreams. When we left that evening, I wrote my number on his hand and told him that if he didn’t call me he was stupid, but never really thought that I would see him again. Well two weeks later I received a call and it was him! He told me that he wanted to come visit me in college so we could hang out. He drove 8 hours to see me and we spent the weekend together. When he left I couldn’t stop crying – I really felt something for him in only 3 days. We kept in touch all summer and he told me that he wanted me to visit him in Europe, but I didn’t have the money, so he sent me a plane ticket and I spent 3 weeks with him touring Spain and Africa. It was absolutely amazing.
Things didn’t work out between us, but it makes me think that miracles really do happen, and that the Universe really does answer your prayers.