All Stories
Things Appear using The Secret
I have discovered that sometimes the Law works slowly, and sometimes it can work very very fast. Sometimes things can appear through logical means, and sometimes through mysterious means. For example, once my living room needed new curtains. There were 3 windows, all different sizes. I knew exactly what I wanted: highly insulated curtains. I…
Read More →Ask and It is Given
I have known about the “Law of Attraction” for about the last 25 years, but have only used it sporadically when I was in a crunch. “The Secret” movie and book have renewed my interest in it. The first time I used the Law of Attraction that I can remember is after I got a…
Read More →Universe, a Magnanimous Mother
I was 10 when I heard an audio cassette of Deepak Chopra’s ‘Seven Spiritual Law of Success’ wherein he talks about the Law of Intention and Desire, Quantum Physics, etc. I tried implementing it but soon got caught up in the mundane ways of life. In my early 20s, my mum gifted me Lousie Hay’s…
Read More →The possibilities are endless!
I received The Secret from a friend as a birthday present on Saturday, March 22nd. I’ve been going through this spiritual journey, and she figured it was the perfect gift. I started reading it and I was intrigued, I couldn’t put it down. Like others, I did a small ‘test’. My test was that my…
Read More →Lord of the ring
My story unfolds with a ring I received 5 years ago to mark 15 years with the company where I am employed. The ring itself I chose from a selection of gifts, and it holds many personal memories as well as triumphs. Since I’ve received the ring it is rarely off my finger. In mid…
Read More →Beautiful skin :D
I’m in my teens, so I know that in this age it’s more than natural to have acne once, but I’m very into my beauty and health, and so when that happened I flipped out and became very sad and depressive. One day my mother introduced me to The Secret through the book… oh my…
Read More →This is solid proof
I was lacking in funds, so I asked the universe for one thousand dollars. About a week or two later I was playing a deal or no deal hand-held game and, guess what, I had $1000 in my case. The chances of that are very small. The Universe not only listens to me but has…
Read More →Amazing Results Again & Again
I have been practicing many aspects of the Secret (without knowing it)for many years. I have been visualising car parks, for example, since before I was driving, and this has been a constant fun activity with family and friends. There are so many examples of the LOA evident in my life, but here are a…
Read More →Wish granted!
I had received The Secret as my birthday gift from my brother last year. Since then, I have been reading it on and off, feeling I already know these ideas… However, I started manifesting them only last month, and the first thing I wished for was approx. $1200 for settling some debts. Within a week…
Read More →There’s Nothing I Can Not Do
I guess my story begins when I was 8 years old and living in Boston. My family had immigrated to America from India only a year and a half ago at the time. School was really difficult, and it wasn’t as much because of language problems as it was culture change. I didn’t understand why…
Read More →This Or Something Better
So I attracted The Secret about two months ago. Since then I have made a vision board and have been tested to stay positive. I must say that although my bigger dreams have yet to manifest, the little ones have motivated me to stay faithful. I remember on the DVD a man saying he was…
Read More →“A tornado in downtown Atlanta!?”
I always wanted to be a DJ; I love music. About a year ago I finally manifested that dream. I passively applied the Law of Attraction and within a month, I had a weekly gig at a club! And by the end of the year I attracted a chance to DJ in Europe! This is…
Read More →My introduction to the power of the Secret
I began reading The Secret for the first time on March 24, 2008. On March 25th, 2008, I was confronted with a very difficult challenge in my business. It was a challenge that could have cost me and my business associates a lot of money. My first impulse was to go into panic mode, but…
Read More →It Works!
This is simple, and tested before and written here, but I was too excited to keep it to myself. I have proven to myself that The Secret works like a charm! I used to drive to work and always had difficulty finding a parking spot, and when I finally found a spot I had to…
Read More →Received my first order from the Universe!
I was at one of the lowest points of my life. One morning everything was going wrong, and as I was driving to work I began sobbing and screaming: “Please help me God!” That day there was a used book sale at my workplace, and The Secret was one of the books for sale. As…
Read More →I’m now a believer
Ok, so I read all the stories and thought I would try again… I especially liked the one about the red crayon. Start small just to test it, so I visualized a green poker chip with white edges (don’t ask me why I chose that, maybe because it was the least likely thing that would…
Read More →Tree Of Life Is Growing
It’s not that I am fanatical about who I am or how I chose to live, but I do strongly believe that because of it, I was attracted to ‘The Secret’ in a strange way. It started around Christmas time, when I felt strongly about what I wanted to give my grown children. I wanted…
Read More →Pay your good fortune forward
I loved The Secret. It has definitely changed my life for the better. I have a lot of stories to share, but first I wanted to just give everyone my feedback. To me, this book was not only about receiving, but also giving back to the universe – or paying it forward!!!!! I am a…
Read More →My New Car
It happened to be that the year 2007 was not too good for me. I lost my second house, my credit went to the toilet. Then I was invited to this seminar about “The Secret”. After I saw this my life started to change. I was driving a sonoma truck which I give to my…
Read More →Driving License for Happiness!
The tile may look silly, but this is how the Secret worked in my life! At the beginning of the year, things weren’t going good… I was depressed, school wasn’t as good as it used to be the past years, and also for this I decided to take some private lessons (of math and Greek)…
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