All Stories
Miraculous Moment
I have had some wonderful moments in my life. But only a couple that really truly stand out in which I believe are more than just coincidence. This one I must share with others, and of course the creator and executive producer of ‘The Secret’, Rhonda Byrne. Well it all began as a hard working…
Read More →I told you so…
Hey, it’s me, Dipti. I submitted my story a few days back and promised you that I will be back with my next Secret story before September’s end. I started using the Secret a month ago. I manifested my dream job at a company, visualised myself working there, painted my vision and said thanks for…
Read More →Little gifts make a big difference
I was at work one day and had ordered some lunch only to discover my wallet wasn’t in my bag. Worried, I apologised to the staff and promised to be back shortly, as I had hopes that my wallet had fallen out in my car. As I was searching my bag one last time a…
Read More →Miracles Will Happen
Dear Rhonda, I so needed and wanted to share this incredible and remarkable story. If you believe you shall receive… This past Sunday at church our Pastor relayed to us that one of our dedicated family members was in the hospital. Three days ago Marg and Frank’s 15 year old daughter Krysta fell off her…
Read More →Changing times with The Secret!
It has been just over a month or so since three of us at home have read the book and following it like a bible. From a pretty stressed-out situation, I have attained all peace at work and home. I am able to plan my day, the night, and the next day very well. I…
Read More →I can control everything
After watching parts of the movie on You Tube (I know I’m cheap) I decided to give this Secret thing a try. So I decided I wanted to meet the girl of my dreams. I wrote a letter to myself: I am so happy knowing I will meet the love of my life soon. I…
Read More →Changed Everything
For the last several months, my life felt as if NOTHING could go right. The only thing that I felt like I had to be thankful for was my amazing boyfriend. I just began nursing school, and I cried every day because of how hard it was and how awful my professors were. My boyfriend…
Read More →Something to Believe in
All of my life I have been a Secret atheist. I was brought up in a very strict religious family with many brothers and sisters. We attended church in a small store-front church in Newark NJ. Our faith required something called ‘tarrying’ to receive the Holy spirit. You had to get down on your knees…
Read More →The Power of Visuatlization
Yesterday I was sitting outside of my apartment enjoying the beautiful sunny day and reading The Secret. I was in the section about visualization and had just finished reading the story about the man who visualized his perfect feather when something caught my eye. I looked over to my right and running across the fence…
Read More →My college graduation
About a year ago I was at my job at an insurance company (not the one I am in now). At the time I had a supervisor who was helpful to me in a lot of ways. I was talking to her about finishing school. I had been “finishing my college degree for 18 years”…
Read More →It works even before you know how it works.
I got the book as a gift last year and applied the practices to my life. However somewhere along the line I forgot about it. I noticed that my wish to leave the house and finish school before 18 did come true, because I really wanted it for years. And I did not know the…
Read More →Practice Makes Perfect
I was raised with my Mom telling me, “Your thoughts create your reality.” I didn’t understand what she meant but I believed it. I also believed that the universe had a plan for you and all you could do was your best to be a good person and just hope for the best. It was…
Read More →Kid-Free Weekend
I am a recent believer of the Secret. I bought The Secret book for my husband and ended up reading it myself. I recently turned 30 & I wanted to change my outlook on life. I wanted to FEEL GOOD. After reading the book I also purchased the audio CD & the movie. I try…
Read More →This Is About Love, Mom
My husband helps people and does healing. He has a gift and never reads anything. It is just a knowing form God. He has always taught me so much about energy, but for some reason I could not hear so much of what he said. I could see all that he did for people and…
Read More →I Conceived, Believed, and Received £500!
At one time I would’ve said that I’d found the Secret by ‘accident’, or that it was one of those ‘strange coincidences’ that brought it to me or me to it. But now that I know better, that there’s no coincidences in life, but that we ‘attract’ to us everything we have in our lives,…
Read More →Look for the positive and you will prevail!
Life in Myrtle Beach, SC, can truly be a struggle for most. The wages are not very good and the job market is weak. The cost of living is not horrible, but being a tourist town prices fluctuate a lot depending on the season affecting the locals. Well, my mother was a real estate agent…
Read More →It’s mine!
I currently live and work in the Middle East on a two year teaching contract. My contract expires in January 2009. I want to return to my home country, South Africa, as I have just become a granny to 2 beautiful little twin girls. I decided it was time to look for a job closer…
Read More →No matter your age
So I’m only 17 years old, but I found this Secret as a reply to an email I had sent around to London event organisers to try and get my feet on the ground. I’d recently left college after a dreadful split from an old boyfriend, and I fell into what my Mum calls a…
Read More →Understanding Differs From Knowing
I am a simple girl who lived a life mysteriously only until I came to know about the Secret. I say “mysteriously” because the imaginations or ideas that came in my life usually used to come true, and I was always just amazed about it not knowing why it was happening to me. Like one…
Read More →Once upon a time there was a boy…
My name is Karim Giblett… let me tell you a story. This is a story about me. Once upon a time there was a boy born in Housnslow in London, and he was always scared of the world. At the age of one I moved house and lived next to some rough neighbours, and I…
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