Below are all stories archived as Job
Sr. Field Service Engineer, Semiconductors
After being laid off for the 3rd time, twice by the same company, I read a bood call “Think and Grow Rich”. I was so impressed I started waking up every morning saying “INCREDIBLE”. Even on days when I felt sad or in pain. Shortly after that, I started to feel Incredible. EVERY DAY. Now…
Read More →My entire life changed in 3 months!!!
Hi! You’re not going to believe my story. It just doesn’t get any better than this. 🙂 Three short months ago, I was a recent college graduate struggling to get by as a brand new business owner. I am a private voice and piano coach and an accompanist, and at the time I was making…
Read More →Dreams do come true!
Using The Secret: Both of us are amazed by ‘The Secret’. We realize that we have been employing many of it’s methods through out our whole relationship together, including the way we met. I visualized the type of wife i wanted – the way she would look, her personality and her interest in being a…
Read More →I Cured My Depression And Addiction
I saw The Secret on January 14, 07, and I consider that day as my second birthday. Seeing The Secret was a proof for me that I was right believing whole my life that the law of attraction exists. Each time when I spoke to somebody about my mysterious successes in life, people would tell…
Read More →It absolutely works :-)
In late October of last year I was given a copy of The Secret by a (now former) friend of mine. I had just split from my fiance and although I had some idea of where I wanted to go, I had no idea of where I was going at the time. The Secret has…
Read More →I’m a believer
After watching Oprah and learning of The Secret, my life has been transformed. I am a believer! In just a few days, after reading half of the book, I feel my life is just so good. I have been feeling lost, alone, empty and sad the last couple of months and literally overnight I feel…
Read More →Can this all be happening?
About four years ago I was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder and put on medication. I’ve been in hospital for depression and paranoia within that time. A friend gave me The Secret in January and within days, my life began to change dramatically. My doctor called me out of the blue to say that he needed…
Read More →FEEL GOOD..
I saw The Secret on Oprah for the 1st time, I knew I had to get it. As soon as the show was over I ordered it. I watch it everyday, and everyday I learn more. It made me understand that I have everything that a man would want. A loving family that cares for…
Read More →Recognition
There were some majors changes in my workplace that forced me to step up to the plate and take over many duties that I had never done before… I was learning and being overworked and feeling like no-one was recognizing the efforts I was making to keep my department working at status quo. Then I…
Read More →My Success in the Secret
I viewed the film, The Secret, just in January 2007 and it has helped me a lot to become successful nowadays. I would like to share one of my experiences of how THE SECRET, changed my life. When I was still a College student, my life was a mess because of the busy schedules we…
Read More →Every day is a gift
After watching The Secret I decided to follow the rules without question and decide what I really want. Since then my life is becoming magical. My wife goes to Bingo every week and never wins anything. Guess what, since the Secret she has won 3 times! Coincidence? No, it is the Secret, because I want…
Read More →I could hardly believe it worked
I saw The Secret movie in late October, but simply because I was home and had no plans, and saw it was available on demand. I loved it and watched it a second time in the same day. I figured I had nothing to lose, so I spent the rest of the weekend thinking about…
Read More →The Good, The Great and The Grateful
In October, I was diagnosed with Hep B, a rather nasty virus that causes many deaths around the world. I found out that the liver is one of the body’s organs that cannot self-heal very well. Once hardening begins then the story is written, as I have been informed. I had not heard of The…
Read More →Opportunity found me when I was losing hope
Although I was excited about The Secret when I first watched it, it took me a while to realize that it has been working for me throughout my life. My friends always said I was “charmed” because I follow my bliss, work like a dog at what I love, and opportunities seem to blossom in…
Read More →Job
I applied for a particular job on Friday January 18, 2008. This job is close to my house – about 5 minutes. I was told that I would be informed on the following Wednesday January 23. I said that I would get the job and I saw myself working there. And I got word that…
One of the greatest gifts of “The Secret” is the Gratitude Book. I discovered for myself and my best friends did for themselves: days become more valuable when you take your time and take down some thank-you-notes before your daily routine calls you. In fact, this “book-keeping” should be your first step of your routine….
Read More →The big changes in my life….your Secret!!
I am happy and grateful….. and this is the first time in my life that I mean it, and feel it. My daughter was hospitalized because of a complicated pneumonia. Her situation was terrible, and she even had drains in her chest. She was one year old!!! The whole day I was with her I…
Read More →It lives inside of you!!!!
I always believed in myself and believed that once I put my mind to something I will get it. I was living the Secret and didn’t even know it. As the years went by I started having a lot of doubt and saying ‘what if’?? What if things go wrong. And I stopped applying the…
Read More →Strangers are not as bad as one thinks
I first learned of The Secret last year, and anyone who knew who I was will know I WAS pessimistic and skeptical on anything that seemed too good to be true. During a part in The Secret, Bob Doyle says that for those who have a hard time believing in The Secret to start off…
Read More →Work is great now
I just moved to Las Vegas a year ago, on impulse I guess. I felt underpaid, overworked, and stressed at my job. Everyone at my work was unhappy and quick to fight. New employees would come and go, but I felt like I was stuck. I stumbled upon “The Secret” by accident on January 5,…
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