All Stories
The Powers of the Secret
The Secret has absolutely changed the way my family thinks and acts. Both me and my Dad suffer from anxiety. Every day can be a struggle to keep our anxiety under control. After discovering the Secret both of our lives have vastly improved. We both have found that positive thinking helps us not be so…
Read More →Make A Difference
My story begins much as others do. I, when I was 2 years old, fell off a cliff with my father. I landed head first on a bed of rocks and my father landed on top of me. My head split in half and I was carried 2 miles out of the wilderness by my…
Read More →The gifts of gratitude
Today one of my co-workers inquired if the difference he has seen in me was due to my New Year’s resolution. Then one by one all approached and asked me what was going on, because I was suddenly different. I told them that my life has been transformed by The Secret. I am so happy…
Read More →Stepping Into Who You Know You ARE!
First, I want to say this may be a little long, and I promise this will be worth a full read. I first saw “The Secret” in the spring of 2006 at a friend’s house in Austin, TX. I had been working all day at her house and it was late, and I was not…
Read More →And this is me now…
The first time I was introduced to The Secret was by my mother in the summer of 2007. She had found out about it on the internet and had decided to buy the DVD. It arrived a couple of weeks or so later and that was when she got my whole family and I to…
I found out about The Secret from The Oprah Winfrey Show. I truly believed every single word written in the book and spoken on the video. Then I received an email from The Secret giving me a link to download a check from the Bank of the Universe. So I downloaded the check and wrote…
Read More →Golf miracle
My friend and I had just watched the movie, “The Secret”. We were really wondering whether it worked or not, so we decided to test it. The day after, we went golfing and tried it there. After many holes of doing very bad, we figured this would be a great time to try it out….
Read More →41 in the Memory Game
When I was 21, I assumed that at this age (I turn 30 in two days) I would be ‘comfortable’, have a career, marriage, kids, and a semi in suburbia. In reality I have a portable CD Player and about 12 CDs. “Woe me, woe me…” My plight is made worse by the fact that…
Read More →Manifested $20 in the Emergency Room
One day I decided to test out The Secret method on cash. That night I told myself the next day I was to manifest $20.00. I went to work the next day as usual, and during lunch I felt faint and eventually passed out and went to the hospital. Not my idea of fun… but…
Read More →A New Lease on Life
On November 30th, 2007, I was told by my specialist that I MAY have a very rare and aggressive tumor that only affects people between 20-40 years of age, called a “Giant Cell Tumor of Bone”. However, what I didn’t know for over a month is whether the tumor was Malignant or Benign. I was…
Read More →It Will Happen
I have always wanted to start a business. I have always known that I will have one and have been waiting for the right idea to come along. I declared that I was going to start a business in 2007. One day a friend and I were talking and she mentioned that she wanted to…
Read More →My Miraculous Dubai
In early January 2007 I was living in Jakarta Indonesia, and I was surfing the internet looking for information regarding the world’s tallest building, requested by my 10 year old cousin. He was making his homework. At that time I was hit the website from wikipedia which described the world’s tallest building. It said the…
Read More →My life changed in less than a year!!!
My husband and I watched The Secret online – and LOVED it! This was nine months ago, when we and our six year old daughter lived in a tiny duplex home. After viewing the movie, I told my husband that I was going to get the book to read (instead of “wanting to read it”)….
Read More →Silver
After reading The Secret I decided to put it to the test. Knowing that we have the power to control what happens in our life, I wanted to see what I can accomplish. I purchased an Ankh necklace, but it had a silk necklace by default. I pictured a silver necklace around my neck and…
Read More →Jesus Talks About The Secret
Hello, my name is Kris and I am an artist that has decided to take on the biggest and most important exhibition in my life. Because of knowing The Secret I have come to realize that I am capable of doing so. One of the tasks I have decided to take on was research of…
Read More →How I got my dream gadget
I love gadgets. I’m just so in love with technology. This story of mine happened after watching The Secret. I was really convinced that if it would work for millions of people, it would work for me too… I was so in love with my dream gadget. It’s a Nokia mobile phone with a built-in…
Read More →Take a placebo and don’t call me.
Until today I have always enjoyed high blood pressure (hyper-tension as a doctor would say), ya’ know, nosebleeds and migraines. Even as a skinny little kid it was high. I would have to take a large dose of ibuprofen to combat these horrid headaches. Without ibuprofen they would last at least two days. Now, I…
Read More →Fate you say? Nay, ’tis The Secret!
I went to a bar one night to pick up a drunk. As a taxi driver I tended to do that a lot. The bartender threw a lady of middle age into the front seat (this is Boise, the front seat is just fine). On the way to her apartment she told me about the…
Read More →Making my dreams come true!
When I received an e-mail with The Secret – sent by someone who loves me – I had a Dejá Vu feeling. Then I understood – The Secret has been there all the time! Reviewing my life since I could remember, everything I really wish came true, with no exceptions! I could give you thousands…
Read More →Sandra
The Secret was introduced to me by a fellow employee. She offered the dvd and I watched it intensely, I paid close attention to visualization and positve thinking. I asked the universe for $ 150,000.00 and for clients to really like me. The universe answered. I was laid off, and happy, because earlier that day…
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