All Stories
My visualisations worked in 3 days!
My partner and I were given The Secret book for Christmas and I started reading it straight away. When I was reading about visualisations I decided to visualise receiving a refund letter in the mail from our insurance company. There was no reason for me to choose this, as I wasn’t due a refund, but…
Read More →Catalog Of The universe Orders
After a year of pure hell with my husband’s health, our finances were in tatters. I watched “The Secret” this past Thursday, and was inspired to at least give its teachings the ol’ college try. Friday morning brought a killer headache and news that our bank account was overdrawn. I decided to use the advice…
Read More →Speak Things as Though They Were!
I first heard about The Secret on a commercial for the Oprah show. I was curious as to what The Secret entailed, and had heard mixed reviews. After some time, I decided to purchase the CD for myself. After listening to The Secret, I was convinced. I’ve always believed that life and death was in…
Read More →The big changes in my life….your Secret!!
I am happy and grateful….. and this is the first time in my life that I mean it, and feel it. My daughter was hospitalized because of a complicated pneumonia. Her situation was terrible, and she even had drains in her chest. She was one year old!!! The whole day I was with her I…
Read More →Galaxy Dreaming
I have always felt drawn to space & the galaxies & the universe. Whilst others may find the hugeness of it all makes them feel small & insignificant, it makes me feel like I’m so carefully made and loved because amongst it all I’m here & I exist. ‘The Secret to You’ section of the…
Read More →I moved to Paris…
I grew up in chaos. I struggled to complete my BA. I let many barriers get in my way. Looking back, where I was successful I was unknowingly living The Secret. Before I moved to Los Angeles from Toronto I visualised living in Los Angeles. After I arrived, I went to dealerships and sat in…
Read More →Silence the cynic
I listened to The Secret and thought that it made sense, as I have always believed that “like begets like”. However, I was a major skeptic in terms of the law of attraction working for me. I decided to give it a try and request 1500.00 from the universe. I even went so far as…
Read More →Still Winning!
Recently I wrote a story about all the things I have been winning, especially after I learned The Secret. I just have to share what happened to me recently. ‘The Secret to your Best Life Ever’ was scheduled to come to San Diego. I told my son that we were going to go to this….
Read More →A place to live
Beginning of the year I made a resolution that I wanted to live on my own. I have been staying with 2 other girls. My credit is not that good, so I was a bit skeptical to apply for an apartment, since they always check for it. So I took a leap of faith and…
Read More →A dream come true
The Secret has made one of my dreams come true. And getting The Secret book was the best thing that ever happened to me. I was told about The Secret by a friend, and I kinda forgot about it after some time. And suddenly, I begin to have the strong urge to read the book….
Read More →Pregnant after 10 years of trying !
After my mother had passed away from cancer in 2002, my outlook on life was bleak. I quit my job, burned bridges with friends, and questioned life itself. “Why am I here?” and “What am I supposed to do in this life?” were questions I was faced with every minute of every day. The only…
Read More →Miracle weight loss
I only started reading The Secret 2 days ago, and did not hesitate putting it into practice. At first I was skeptical, thinking that no such wonders can happen, so I tested a few things out. I imagined something which I had bought being in my mailbox. It’d been a while, and I couldn’t wait…
Read More →Angel
When I was in the seventh grade I went to a misc. Christian school. At the school they had a gift shop. Which is really kind of odd, but the little kids could go the and buy candy and stickers and other cheap little things. They sold other things as well… Which brings me to…
Read More →A Delicious Signal
Lately, I’ve been making enough money to “get by” … and that’s about it. For the longest time, I’ve been wondering “Is this what the Universe intends for me? To barely ‘get by’ … without going any further?” Today, I had dinner at Chik-Fil-A. I ordered a grilled chicken sandwich, coleslaw, and a medium soft…
Read More →Powerful Process Revealed
I recently received the audiobook and the hard copy of The Secret as a Christmas gift. With my hectic schedule, I’ve been listening to the audiobook at work and right before I go to sleep. I’ll read the actual hard copy of the book during the rare moments I have spare time. I really liked…
Read More →I Am I Receive I Love
This time last year I was being bullied at school and had severe depression. But one day my Dad came home and played The Secret dvd. It changed my life for the better for a short time, but then I focused on the bullying, etc, again. Once I was ready to fully appreciate The Secret…
Read More →Bringing about my labour
I was asked to come in to start the induction of my labour on a Tuesday. I had 2 other children, so I made all the necessary preparations to have them cared for while my husband and I were at the hospital delivering our new baby. I packed my bag, kissed my children good-bye, and…
Read More →Worry-free
I love the Oprah show, but don’t usually take the time to sit down and watch it. I usually have a lot to do, and although I love her show, I will get busy with lots of other stuff instead of taking the time to do something I really like, eg watch Oprah. But my…
Read More →It lives inside of you!!!!
I always believed in myself and believed that once I put my mind to something I will get it. I was living the Secret and didn’t even know it. As the years went by I started having a lot of doubt and saying ‘what if’?? What if things go wrong. And I stopped applying the…
Read More →I got what I didn’t ask for
In September of 2007 I was at my local Walmart and I saw The Secret. Something about the book made me get it. Well, I got home and went to read it, and guess what? It was in Spanish. So I put it down and said wasn’t meant for me to read. Two weeks later…
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