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asking for a sign
Submitted by: Kevin Askeland
Carmel, CAFreelance Photographer and Sound Engineer
I know the secret works, I was just having some frustration making it work.
One evening I was in my living room with a DVD going and I was thinking about the whole thining + feeling thing and how to make that work. Then something hit me, I had recently split with my lady friend so I had that hollow feeling. I thought when you have a woman you love that hollow is full of love you know they have for you. I thought I know I give love out so they do the same thing. then it hit me.. wow, if I were in love with myself then my own love would fill that hole inside me.
Then the weirdest feeling came over me of something sliding into that hole inside me filling it up, then I felt this almost like a reaction happen.. like the love was radiating out.. Since I loved myself I felt that love and wanted to share only it never stopped since I was still there..
well at that moment thinking WOW I GET IT. boom the power died. only the ceiling light in the living room was still on. I thought how odd, the one light is on while the other lights in the house on the same circuit arer off? moments later the power came back on..
Now I took the power outage to mean something, but the light thing stumped me.. mainly tho I was thrilled at my epiphany. So i called my greta friend to share.
She said ” don’t you get it? The universe just sent you a sign.” confused I ask what do you mean? she said think about it.. you have this huge insight into the secret and at that moment the universe leaves you alone in the dark with a light on over your head.
I think you got it.
and I do 🙂
This really works. it is so amazing.