Below are all stories archived as Relationships
The Life I Made For Myself
I was told by my parents to watch The Secret about a year ago, and I did. At that point in my life I was unhappy, stuck in a job I didn’t want, battling depression as it got worse every day. I watched it, but at the state I was at I just couldnt grasp…
Read More →Good luck!
The Secret has truly transformed my life for the better. I watch it often, listen to the CDs every day, and exercise the Law of Attraction on a regular basis. I cleared my mind and pictured the guy I would like to date, and attracted him. I ask for parking spaces and 99% of the…
Read More →Profound Changes – Life’s New Paths
Wow, where to start? I “found” The Secret online while looking for something else entirely – the short version of this part is that I first read the site, then the book, then the video. I was SO floored by the simplicity that I found myself changing overnight. My prayer (I am a devout Christian…
Read More →It is working for my family
There have been several ways that the Secret has worked for my family. My boss had recommended the book to me 6 months ago and I had intended on buying it myself. I had over time found several excuses not to make it to the book store. Several things happened in my life between then…
Read More →Unemployment
I went to visit a friend back in September 2007 that I had not seen in about two years. She and I email each other and talk on the telephone, but I needed to get away because I was feeling depressed. So I called her and asked her if I could come and visit because…
Read More →I’m a love magnet
When I watched The Secret on my computer, I immediately bought it & tried to share it with all my friends and family. I realized when I saw it what I always said about myself was indeed coming true. I said I was good at business, lousy at love. I’d had my heart broken really…
Read More →Happy Music & a Movie to Cheer YOU Up!
The Secret has opened my eyes to see and feel happiness. Every morning as soon as I open my eyes, I say thank you and listen to songs that lift my spirit, put me in a great mood, and let me know that I can do and have what my heart desires. I thought it…
Read More →Don’t Be Fooled!
Just over a year ago I decided to focus on one of my businesses, as opposed to the 3 different businesses I had going. A 400% increase in my income resulted. That’s only the beginning. What happened next is truly amazing. I was introduced to “The Secret”. After viewing it, I knew immediately that me…
Read More →The Small Stuff
I started listening to and practicing The Secret last summer. It has been a bit of a struggle. I have a tendency to see the bad in everything (what could happen). I started practicing little things like – getting the front parking spot, getting my son to school on time (even when the odds were…
Read More →Abundance of love
My father was spiritually a very high human being throughout his life. He was a real spiritual seeker. He could always tell the difference between genuine saints and those who posed to be. Whenever he found these genuine sadhus*, he always wanted to serve them either by providing them with food or clothes or whatever…
Read More →The LAW of Attraction
November 2007. My boyfriend had split up with me after six and a half months. I was in love, I was heartbroken. It was a most bizarre relationship. My parents are extremely homophobic. And my mother keeps trying to force me to get a girlfriend every once in a while. Hence, my relationship was a…
Read More →Starting again!!
Like many others, I was going through a bad patch. I was unhappy at Uni, felt trapped at home, and had just split up with my boyfriend of two years. I kept focusing on all the bad things going on, and slowly gave up on trying to make it better. My boyfriend who I loved…
Read More →The Secret Really Worked For Me!
I had previously watched The Secret and thought that is was a great idea, but didn’t do anything with it to change myself or my surroundings. I recently had a major surgery, was recovering for 6 weeks, and decided to watch it again. What a life changing effect it had on me this time! When…
Read More →Used the Secret without even knowing!
I grew up Catholic, and during Confirmation classes we had to listen to an abstinence talk. The speaker told us a story about a girl who prayed for her future husband to be safe and happy, and wrote down in her diary when she did. Once she was married, her husband found her diary. He…
Read More →All this in a year!
My story began about a year and a half ago, when my friend Laura started sharing dreams and “Ra isims” with all of us. She started talking to me about how we can have everything we set our minds to. I believed it, but I had not yet put it into practice. In the Spring…
Read More →Seeking someone
For longer than I remember, I have been searching for someone. Someone to spend time with, someone to relate to, just someone I could share myself with. For a lot of my life, I was never the ‘best looking guy’, all my friends were but I wasn’t. That actually never occurred to me, as I…
Read More →No more drepression
Last year a friend of mine invited me over to Brasil during our summer holidays. I was quite down due to my parents’ resent divorce, so my friends tried to cheer me up as they could. I met a guy who presented me his family. When I returned to Buenos Aires, where I live, we…
Read More →The power is within us
My story starts when I was very little. My parents left me with my elder sister to an another country. They did not leave me forever, but they left for some medical purpose. I couldn’t understand that at that time. I started thinking day and night that they hated me, so they had left. And…
Read More →True Love Starts with YOU!
Dear Rhonda, and all you others out there that need to be inspired, As I read through the numerous stories of success and blessings on this site, I wondered to myself, “When is it going to be turn to write my story?” I had always imagined that that day would involve me either winning a…
This is our story. We call it “A Wonderful Journey”… We just celebrated our one year anniversary, and let’s just say for a lack of a better term, it wasn’t the greatest year!! Our year started dealing with the untimely death of my mother. We were both trying to escape the reality of losing such…
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