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Watching The Magic Unfold.
Submitted by: Michelle Ferraro
Newport, WAMother of two amazing little people, wife of incredible husband, artist and massage therapist. Believer of The Secret!
I read The Secret two years ago while visiting my mother. She had the book on her shelf and I couldn’t put it down once I started. Right away I knew this was something special to hold on to and practice daily.
I bought my own copy so I could begin my day with a paragraph or two while sipping my coffee. I must have read it a hundred times because the pages are falling out.
Gratitude has become a way of life for me and has opened up a glorious existence. My husband has watched me with the visualizations and manifestations and he is now a believer, letting me read passages to him in the morning. Together we have become quite a team!
A few months ago my grandfather’s house went up for sale. Now this is a house he built with his own two hands in the early 1970’s and is nestled on a magical lake where I spent every summer as a child. Both my grandparents are deceased and the house was left to his wife and I hadn’t been there in 15 plus years because things turned ugly when she inherited the house.
Well, all I knew was I wanted to live there with my family so my husband and I focused on the visualization of us canoeing with our kids, ice skating on the frozen lake in winter and basically living a magical life on this lake.
We have sat back and watched the universe open up to make this dream come alive. The house price dropped by almost $100,000, making the mortgage affordable and we are moving in 2 weeks!!
I really am pinching myself because The Secret really is life changing and now I am on to another goal, becoming an inspirational artist that has a studio overlooking a lake! My kids are also learning about The Secret and they are only 7 and 9.
Thank you universe, thank you Rhonda and team. I am blessed!