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My Success Story 1.
Submitted by: lilly
indiaFollower of dreams.
You know the reason why I titled this My Success Story 1?
It’s because I am sure I will have many more success stories to post!
First of all thanks to Rhonda Byrne and her team for the inspiring The Secret Scrolls I find in my mailbox whenever I log in.
I was a normal student at school, until The Secret came in my way. The developments I had after that is incredible.
I had a ten point GPA in class 10.
In eleventh, I became the Vice Captain of one of the houses at school, and my team topped all the events that year.
In twelfth, again, I was made the Senior Prefect of the school. I was a topper all the time. At the end of the year I was chosen as the Best Prefect of the year and I became the Best Reader of the year too!!
So the next thing was my board examination with just one month in front of me! This was very important as the results would decide the entire course of my life. So I asked Universe or God or whatever you call the power, to help me. And I believed.
I don’t know how, but one day, all of a sudden I found The Power in one of the old wooden boxes in my room. Yes in a wooden box came The Secret of The Power to me!
Incredible, right?
Yes, and then I knew exactly what I had to do. And the path was made for me. Yes! I could feel The Magic! All of a sudden I improved in Maths, which was my weakest area or so I believed until I got The Power. I took my exams easily. In fact, easier than I thought. When the results came, I was the happiest, not only because I topped but also because I was able to prove to myself about The Secret and how magnificent a creation I am with all these powers inside me.
Thank you thank you, thank you, thank you universe for hearing me all the time and for being with me and for getting me exactly into the same college I wanted to get in to!!