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They found me :)
Submitted by: Soph
Western AustraliaI have often struggled with self-doubt and confidence. I’ve also been in and out of many painful relationships, and spent outside of my means for years. I wouldn’t have had the confidence to believe anything I wrote was worth reading before either, but I felt compelled to tell you how much The Secret has helped me to become the accomplished, happy, believing person I am today.
My family are of the “money doesn’t grow on trees”, “we’re not made of it”, “there is not enough” mentality, and I have always felt trapped by this.
I was gifted The Secret book by my Auntie last year, and was hesitant to read it as I didn’t think it could work for me, however I persisted through these thoughts, and through faith, many written lists, vision boards, positive thoughts, and belief that it would all happen for me… it has.
Firstly I began by giving thanks for all the fantastic things which already existed in my life; my family, friends, and health. I wrote long lists of exactly what I wanted to happen, achieve, receive, and who I wanted to meet.
It began with an inner push to do something which required more study and brain-work than the trade I was working in. I began to look for career ideas and was drawn to Physiotherapy. I researched, applied, and believed I could get there (even though I hadn’t had the high school leaving marks to enter it).
It was after my second turn-down that I decided to widen my net. I knew I wanted to do Health Science, but wasn’t sure what else was out there. So after more research I found Occupational Therapy. I had to write a letter as part of my application, and because of how I came across through this letter I got accepted, and am currently studying OT 🙂
I left my trade job which had very irregular hours and applied for part-time positions closer to my house for after-hours work, as I hoped to work nights and have my daytimes free to study and play. Within 2 weeks of putting in applications I was offered 2 jobs close to home at good pay, my new employer is very understanding, and even lets me take work off when I want to see my friends. I have met many lovely people there as well, as I also have through University.
Over the last year I was feeling short of cash, and decided that whatever I wanted or needed would find me, so I got many dinner invitations to fancy restaurants all totally paid for, concert tickets to bands I really wanted to see (paid for), I wanted to visit my cousin over east for her birthday and my parents decided to cover the tickets as a treat, VIP entry at all the clubs me and my friends went to, and many great nights out with friends where we were given bar cards by the DJs. I turned my health around from being a long time chronic-fatigue sufferer to being quite energetic. My rather frugal parents also decided to splash out and buy me a beautiful new little fuel-efficient car (the first new car I’ve ever gotten) for travels to and from Uni, also – “for Uni” – a new Mac Book laptop and an iPod – because they wanted to. I started talking positivity and prosperity with them and we decided to finally renovate our house. We were originally told it would be almost a year until completion, but in 3 short months it has made astounding progress.
So yes, everything is falling into place.
I had been seeing someone I’d known for years – a great guy who loved to spoil me and I believed may be it, however we didn’t last, but parted on good ground and agreed to be friends again.
About 2 months after that I was enjoying a beer and Sunday session at a beach-side pub with some girlfriends (not planning on meeting anyone, just content with my life), and I was approached by a very handsome (and a little drunk) Irishman, who told me I was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, and who after many lovely dates at nice restaurants and fantastic conversations under the stars has been my boyfriend for most of this year. He is handsome, sporty, kind, generous, affectionate, attentive, and everything good I’d ever hoped for in a partner. My whole family and friends love him, and he tells me all the time how lucky he is to have me and how much he loves. But I feel like the lucky one. He even flew back to see me for my birthday. We will live together in the same state after Christmas, and are making plans for the future together. 🙂
I have also learnt to love and appreciate myself, and see me as he does. I am very happy with how I look and the person I am becoming.
I met one of my dearest friends at Uni and she came all the way from Africa to be here, and it is as though we have been living parallel lives up until now when we’ve finally crossed over. She is truly a soul mate.
It was my Birthday last week and I had written my own ‘gift registry list’ including perfume, money for a holiday, something from Tiffany & Co., and many other things, and visualised myself with each one as I wrote it. And I got everything I asked for. My darling boyfriend flew in with an exquisite Tiffany necklace, and I have enough money for a holiday thanks to my generous family.
This is getting very long and I’m smiling as I review my amazing luck, but it really did all happen for me and is continuing to because I have faith and believe it will. I listen to The Secret CD every night, read the book, and have faith, and I am so blessed in every area of my life.
Oh, and as for money, I received lots, and one particularly substantial check for my birthday, and a tax return of plenty the day before.
So yes, it can happen… everything I’ve ever dreamed of and more. I’m now visualising the topic of my first novel, and my great Uni grades for this semester (I’m currently on Distinctions for everything). It’s all happening 🙂
Thank you, thank you, thank you 😀