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The Secret Works!
Submitted by: Akshata V
MumbaiI'm just another believer of The Secret!
I got my copy of The Secret about 2 years back and I have been a big believer of the philosophy since then. I have also read The Power and The Magic. I have since been practicing gratitude on a daily basis.
Recently though, I got a chance to put my faith to test. I misplaced an incredible sum of money accidentally. I admit I’d been a bit careless. My parents forgave me, eventually, but I was pretty restless. So I re-read The Secret, especially ” The Secret To Money ” and I did as it said. Also, I practiced gratitude and felt grateful for the money I’d received and my parents forgiveness.
I didn’t think there was anyway that I’d get it back, but less than an hour later, I found the money! AND it was in a place where I’d already checked! I can’t put into words the elation I felt when I found it! All I know is I’ll never doubt The Secret and it’s power again! Thank you Rhonda Byrne!!!!