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The Power saved my life!
Submitted by: Shiloh
Phoenix, AZI have been into metaphysical thought since I was about 12 years old. My family moved around quite a bit from PA,to KY,AZ,CA and I moved back to AZ a few years ago. Always seeking the connection to God. Never really finding it until "The Power" I only have one name "Shiloh" so that is why there is XX in the first name field.
A couple of months ago I started having trouble breathing. Eventually I was admitted into the emergency room diagnosed with pneumonia and congestive heart failure. My lungs were half filled with fluid.
I knew The Secret and The Power but I was in such distress I could hardly breathe much less focus on being healthy and well. The doctors at one point had discussed giving up on me. I pulled through and I’m now at home rehabbing. I found out that literally hundreds of people were praying and sending positive loving energy to me.
I work at a resort with 1600 people. My friend Candy said, “When I walked down a hallway everyone would ask how Shiloh was.” When I called my doctors office in Palm Desert the nurse there (Nancy) said, “We were all praying for you.” I told her that the doctors never really told me how close I was. She said, “Honey, let me put it this way: You were circling the drain!”
I know it was all the love that people were sending my way that pulled me through when I could not focus or imagine being well. I never realized how many lives I had touched.
The doctors started calling me their miracle boy!
Thank YOU Rhonda Byrne. You are a gift to the world!