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The Power Of Love
Submitted by: Ang
Milton, NHMother of two beautiful girls, married to the love of my life and elementary school counselor helping to make a positive difference very day.
I have wanted to write this story for a long time. The truth is I had to wait to see how my own story was going to turn out before I shared it with the world.
I will start about a year ago. I was working at a different school then the one I am at now. I was stressed every day, emotionally drained working as a School Counselor. I had been working there for 3 years. I kept trying to find things I liked about it and tried to use The Secret.
I had just had my second child and I spent a lot of time thinking of her and my other daughter and how much I loved spending time them. It came time for contract renewals and my contract was not renewed. I was devastated. Even though I wasn’t happy there, it was such a blow to my self esteem.
However I focused all of my energy on being grateful for the gift the universe gave me. I could now spend every day with my kids! Stress free! And oh how I LOVED that time. I had 9 months at home to rejuvenate my soul and be with my children. Because I wasn’t paying child care and my husband got a raise, we were doing great financially.
I spent those months also doing the practices in The Magic. I recommend everyone to try it. It did change my life.
I did a lot of soul searching and asked the universe repeatedly where was I meant to go in life. I made lists of everything I wanted in the next job I found. I wanted a job where I could have time to be a counselor and not have a bunch of administrative tasks that have nothing to do with counseling. I wanted to still have plenty of time with my family, still have energy at the end of the day for my children, a large office with a window and a separate room to run group counseling sessions, great easy going coworkers, an understanding principal, able to spend time outside with the kids that I work with.
Then when the time was right, the school that I had subbed at recently had an opening for a counselor. I thought this was it! This is my dream job. I didn’t get the job. I was definitely upset by the news.
The person who got the job worked at the school that I work at now. His getting the job I wanted opened up this job. I applied and got the job. And even though I didn’t think at the time that it was the right job for me, it was! It has everything that I just listed! I have been there now for 8 weeks and I love it! It is amazing how it all worked out!
The moral of this story is that sometimes things happen that may feel terrible at the time, but actually is a blessing and it is leading you towards something great.
I read a Secret Quote one day about how the universe will only bring you a future that will match your happiness. The universe knows the right path for your happiness better than you do. And it brought me everything I was searching for. I get tears in my eyes with gratitude when I think about how happy I am.
My marriage is wonderful in every way as well. I use The Secret’s teachings and find things that I appreciate about my husband even when I am aggravated with him. Then miraculously, more things pop up to appreciate about him. The other day my best friend said while we watched a romantic comedy “Oh I wish it was still like that for me. Don’t you?” And I can honestly say that it is. I am very much in love even after 7 years of marriage and 10 years of being together as a couple. He still takes my breath away.
There will always be bumps in the road of course, but I am so conscience now of my thoughts and feelings and how they shape my life.
I will be on a journey every day practicing The Secret. My hope is that I can positively impact people every day. Using the power of love is so important. Sprinkle magic dust on everyone that you meet. Go out of your way to be kind to others. Don’t complain about what you don’t like about others, instead focus your energy on other’s strengths.
If everyone in this world focused on love and understanding and filling each others buckets, our world would be dramatically different than what it is now. Please spread the word of The Secret. Pay it forward….