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The Inner Light
Submitted by: Lucinda G
Harare, ZimbabweI am a 21 year old Zimbabwean lady, who has one beautiful son and such a loving family. I am most appreciative for The Secret, which has changed my frame of mind.
I am Lucinda, a positive, more open-minded person just from reading “The Secret”.
A year ago my life was just abnormally drained from everything. I went as far as the point of trying to take my own life, despite all the good things that were already in my life at that present time, which I was totally oblivious of. I have my son, my family, and a wonderful man in my life, who has supported me through every hardship.
Two weeks ago, I was still in a negative frame of mind. I thought to myself every day that, “I just couldn’t do that” or “I couldn’t do this.” Little did I know I would attract “The Secret” into my life at that point. I was completely ignorant of it and thought nothing of such a book.
One night I decided to walk into my sister’s room and take a glimpse of it. Surprisingly, it opened to one page…. “YOU ARE NOT YOUR PAST” in the Chapter “The Secret to you”. I started reading that and thought of every word which it was saying to me. You see, I have lived my life, till two weeks ago, blaming the past events for where I was. It stood out so much to me, and soon I became hooked on the book.
In just TWO WEEKS… I have become a much more positive, happier person. I am thankful every single day for attracting all the good things that come to me. My dreams have now become the necessities in my life, the things that I want, that I have, that I am receiving. I am no longer afraid to dream to my heart’s desires.
Three days ago, I started making a chart (on my cupboard) and sticking the things that I know I can have, which is everything that I want. My imagination has expanded to new heights. I am Positively Sure that I will do great things and have already begun them. Remember my name, I am making history and I am doing great things for my country and for the world. I thank THE WHOLE CREW OF THE SECRET FOR BRINGING IT TO THE WORLD, YOU HAVE COMPLETELY CHANGED MY LIFE. THANK YOU.