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The Book That Refused to be Ignored.
Submitted by: Emma A
Milton Keynes, Bucks, UKMy name is Emma and I am 36 years old. I live in Milton Keynes, England.
I bought a copy of The Secret a few years ago because I thought the cover was beautiful. I bought it for no other reason than that. When I took it home it went on the bookshelf and there it sat. When I moved house I decided to clear out some of my books and donate them to a charity shop and my copy of The Secret was one of the books that went off in a big box. I never did get round to reading it.
A few weeks ago I worked with a girl who liked to read and we got talking about books that we had read and loved. She asked me if I had ever heard of The Secret and I said no. She lent it to me.
The funny thing is, the copy she lent me did not have the sleeve on it – it was just a red book. It was only when I opened it and saw the illustrations on the pages themselves that I recognised it as the book I had bought and given away some time ago.
This time I read it. And my life has changed immeasurably since that day, a couple of weeks ago.
My job is going from strength to strength and promotion is on the way even though I have only been with the company for a few months but the changes I am talking about are more from a personal point of view.
I awake every morning with a sense of love and excitement and fabulous anticipation for the glories that will come to me that day. And that is the most important thing to me.
The other fantastic part of all of this is that I passed on The Secret to a couple of my sisters and I am so happy to report that they are getting just as much out of reading the book as I did and I love the fact that I could give them such a gorgeous gift that can only enhance their lives. It means so much to me to be able to pass on The Secret to all the people that I love – and these days that means everybody!