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Starting Over.
Submitted by: Michael J Laux
Ann Arbor MichiganI am a self made financial executive with one son, who has completely transformed my life.
About 20 years ago I had it all. A beautiful wife, a great job with a big brokerage firm and a wonderful son. I lost it all. One weekend after coming home from a football game my wife and son had left. They walked out on me and needless to say I was beside myself with disbelief and grief. Shortly after that I had lost my job and they were evicting me from my condo. It seemed that everything was going wrong and I felt like I was in a hole that I was unable to get out of.
That was when that I attempted to end it all, I had hit rock bottom. I prayed and prayed that things would turn around but it all seemed to get worse and I had lost all hope. After attempting suicide, my wonder family came to my side and together we worked, day after day, to get better and stronger. I realized that life could go one of two ways, either continue the downward trend or pick myself up and believe that life had wonderful things in store for me. I started to get stronger, both mentally and physically and began to believe in my abilities and continued my strong faith.
Presently I have a beautiful wife, run my own company, have a large beautiful home, travel all over and stay in the best hotels. I am living my dream life and I owe it to two things. My strong belief in God and the principals that I have learned through The Secret. I watch The Secret for the first time many years ago and it fundamentally changed my life forever. The principles taught are so powerful that everyone, no matter what their current situation in life is, can greatly benefit .
I wish I could reach out to every person who is struggling in life and get them to understand that “The Secret” could change everything for the better, instantly. Thank you for everything you have done to help people realize their dreams and to put them on a path of lasting happiness and love.