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Out of Nothing and No How
Submitted by: Arlene Ray
NebraskaStudent of the Secret
My “so what story” is I grew up without parents and really have no family to speak of. So I hoped one day to have my own family and when I grew up, I got married and had four beautiful children. Unfortunately, I married a very unfaithful and cruel man. I had hoped to leave his cruelty behind by divorcing him, but in our divorce he took everything from me and then used my love for our children to continue to abuse me. But that I’ve come to understand is just “So What”.
Since I’ve decided to leave the “So What” behind me, after becoming acquainted with the teachings of the secret, so many wonderful things have happened to me. For one: I always get a great parking space. LOL But, I would like to share one very amazing story, that to me proves the universe knows the quickest fastest way to my desires. In coming out of my financial struggles from my divorce I have been very poor but, after applying The Secret I know it is only a matter of time until I posses wealth and I believe this so strongly that I started my own marketing business with a only telephone and a eight year old lap top with a broken screen. In my marketing business, I attract very wonderful vendors that advertise with me.
For two and a half months, that’s how long I’ve been selling advertising for myself, I make lists of the businesses and telephone them. On that list I doodle little drawings, as I speak with clients, of things I would like to attract into my life. One picture I have drawn several times a day every day is of a horse. I have wanted a horse my entire life. I had told everyone that I intended to buy a horse. I physically went horse shopping and spent multitudes of hours online picking out the perfect horse. I went to the local western store and had my children try on cowboy boots and looked at saddles and tack. I bought a horse blanket, lead rope, and horse brushes and kept them displayed to see every day. I told my children I would buy them a horse as soon as I earned the money. I visualized looking out the window and seeing my eight year old (who also loves horses) riding this horse. I even asked a horse-owner friend how much he would charge to board a horse for me and if he would be willing to transport the horse to his home when I got one. As a screen saver on my laptop I put a picture of a chestnut Morgan gelding that I had fallen in love with on the internet. The horse cost $4,000, andI was certain that I would earn with my new business. However, each time I paid bills and took care of my children’s needs I didn’t have the money to spare yet.
One day I picked up a local sports magazine hoping to find more ideas for new businesses to advertise with me. In the magazine I spotted an ad for a Horse Expo to be held at the local event center. I took my two youngest children to the expo on a Friday evening and we watched the junior rodeo. As we walked around the stalls looking at the horses a very nice man told us he was selling tickets for a raffle and we could win a horse. He said he had a feeling we would win. At that moment I thought perhaps he was right and remembered that the universe knows the quickest fastest way to our intentions & certainly this would be the quickest, fastest way. He also told us that we had to be present to win and that the drawing wouldn’t be held until the following evening at 8 pm. I found the stall of the horse to be raffled named ‘Ima Shur Bet’ and as I stroked him, I visualized having my ticket drawn and taking the horse home. I didn’t buy tickets that night but, when my daughters woke up the following morning they immediately wanted to return to the Event Center to buy raffle tickets.
We had some errands that we had to do in the morning and my daughters told everyone they came in contact with that they intended to win a horse that day. But, when doubt crept in and one of them said sadly, “We wont win mommy people were buying thirty tickets at a time.” I told her unless she believed that we would win I wouldn’t buy any tickets. I explained to her that she had enough power in her body to illuminate an entire city for a week and if she wanted the horse we would all have to believe that we would win and reminded her that the man selling the raffle tickets already believed we would win.
We showed up at the horse show in the early afternoon and watched clinics on equestrian education. I told the girls to pay attention so they would know what to do when they won the horse. We visited ‘Ima Shur Bet’ throughout the day. I stroked the horse and visualized over and over again my name being called as the winner and pictured myself brushing the horse and looking out the kitchen window seeing my daughter with the horse.
We bought tickets throughout the day and talked to the nice man. Each time I told my daughters that I would only purchase more tickets if they believed they would win. In total we purchased of $30.00 worth of tickets. We showed up at the stand where the drawing was to be held at 7:30. Over and over again I kept visualizing calling my friend that had agreed to board a horse for me and saying, “Is it still alright If I board my horse at your house because we just won a horse?” “And can you come pick it up for us?”
Finally, the moment had come and hundreds of people had gathered hoping to win the horse. Before the drawing, the nice man announced to the audience, “I know you have all come to win the horse but, I will tell you right now I want this little girl to win the horse pointing at my daughter. And as a matter of fact I have tickets I purchased in here to and If I pull out one of mine I’m giving her the horse.” He then carefully drew a ticket and called the number of the ticket and then the name written on it over the PA. Hundreds of people looked saddened including myself as it was not my number or name.” But I felt energy rush through my body as he called the name on the ticket for the third time and it was obvious that man was not present and you had to be present to win. So the kind man carefully drew another ticket and again it wasn’t my number or name. This person was present and surprisingly said she didn’t want the horse and to please draw again. I knew the next ticket would be mine, we after all had four very strong energy forces intending for us to win that horse, the nice man, my two daughters, myself, and well of course the horse makes five. I kept visualizing making the phone call and asking my friend if he would still board and transporting the horse for us and of looking out the kitchen window and seeing my daughter with the horse. Now, when the man drew out the next ticket he looked excited and said gleefully, “I know who this person is and he called the number, I just knew it was mine without looking at the ticket, and then he looked at me and then turned to my little girl and told her, “go get your horse!” She said, “I’m gonna cry!” as tears welled up in her eyes. I’ve wanted a horse my whole life.” I thought, “Oh really all eight years, I’ve wanted a horse my whole life – all 42 of them!” lol
They sat my daughter on the horse and took pictures of her while I choked back my own tears and phoned my friend asking the questions that I had visualized asking over and over again, “Hey is it still okay if I board a horse at your house? Because we just won a horse. And do you think you can pick it up for us?” As for me visualizing looking out the window and seeing her with the horse this is nearly a daily occurrence. She is completely and totally in love with that horse and he follows her like a puppy.
This wonderful experience has a given me the opportunity to introduce The Secret to my eight and ten year old daughters that have seen first hand what the power of the mind can do. They even quoted to me yesterday after hearing someone speak negatively, “Mommy The Secret says, What you think about you bring about.” I’ve also asked them to remember the elated feeling that they felt when they won the horse and told them they could have that feeling often in their life if they see it in their mind they will hold it in their hand. This magnetic attraction I’m absolutely certain has given me and my two daughters the faith and knowledge to acquire even bigger and better things. Although, that horse is awesome and will be difficult to top!! Oh, one last thing “Iam Shur Bet”, is nearly identical to the one I fell in love with online. That $4,000 horse I couldn’t afford yet and used as screen saver was also a chestnut, Morgan, gelding with very similar markings.