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No more fat kid, and an unexpected raise!
Submitted by: D.
TexasHappily married Christian. Have two great kids and the life and job I prayed for. God richly blesses me all the time.
I am one of four kids. All my life I was the fat kid. I have fought my weight forever. Never obese, but only slender for a short time in my adult life.
Since reading The Secret I am a lot more positive and optimistic than I was before. I tell myself that I am getting smaller. Now that I’m 29 pounds smaller, let me tell you, it really works. My eating habits and exercise habits have changed. However, instead of it being a chore I enjoy it. Now I’m called a health nut and I don’t have a problem eating the right foods and staying away from the ones we really shouldn’t eat.
This year at my job we were told that the budget had to be cut WAY BACK and nobody would lose their job, but nobody would get a raise either. They did lay off two contractors. I was the low man on the totem pole, too, so I was glad that there wouldn’t be any more lay offs.
Even though there are several negative people in my office, I remain positive and just do what I’m asked to do. I tell myself that my job is great and that I’m a money magnet on a regular basis.
Well last week I was offered another small job in addition to the one I already do. I took the job as well as the 20% raise that comes along with it.
IT REALLY WORKS! Just try it.