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My Vision Board Story
Submitted by: Cecile Briggs-Mosqueda
Cagayan de oro, PhilippinesI am 31 years old, currently working as supervisor in a wonderful multinational company. I also envision to put up a school where I can help improve the educational system in our community.
I just want to share my story with the Vision Board.
Last year, I was told to be pulled out from my function as a maintenance supervisor for a reason I could not understand. Why me? I didn’t really know. I believed that I was performing well and I still had very good plans for my department and my team. It was a job I really loved, because it gave me the a lot opportunity to serve our customers.
I was transferred to a position, which I came to like eventually. I love the people I work with and the new challenges this function has presented to me. However, I still kept the desire to contribute more to the organization through a position other than what I was given.
One day, while I was in my favorite bookstore, I got hold of the book The Secret. It was not my first time to see the book, but at that point, I felt the need to buy it. And so I did. That was last month, June 2012.
I was so inspired upon reading the chapter on visualization and immediately created a vision board visualizing that I am already holding a very important position in our department. This is just in time that I was told that the person currently holding that position will resign in a month’s time.
I visualized that I will be appointed for that job function on July 1, 2012. Even before the position was opened for application… The confirmation that I will be the one hired for that position reached me by July 11, 2012. Not bad! It’s just how the Universe works in my life.
Thank you, The Secret!