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My Life Is Changed!
Submitted by: Art
AlbaniaI am 32 years old. I am a medical Doctor. I became a father in June 2017 for the first time.
Hello to The Secret and Rhonda. The Secret is the best thing that happened to me to change my point of view in my life.
Let me share my story with you and the whole world. My story starts 5 years ago.
I am married to the most adorable and beautiful girl I have ever known. We had more than 4 years knowing each other before the marriage. After the marriage we started thinking about a child. One beautiful day we thought that my wife was pregnant but unfortunately after 3 days she started to bleed and we went to the Hospital. She was diagnosed with a problem in the ovary so the doctors said to us that she should be operated on because the problem was complicated. We decided to go outside the country for the intervention because it was very dangerous for another pregnancy. At the end of the the surgery she was OK and everything seemed to go in a good way. After that we start thinking about another pregnancy again.
Six months later another the pregnancy came. It was a good sign for us and we were so excited about it but at the 9th week the doctor said that the baby had a problem and probably the pregnancy will fail. My wife started to cry and everything looked very bad. For the first time I had a big psychological gap in my mind and I couldn’t find the the concentration to move up. It was one of the worst years that I had in my life.
In the middle of this bad situation in my own library I found “The Secret”. Believe me, it was like a big wake up call in my life. I was full of energy again. I read it and reread it several times and after 2 weeks I started to prioritize and to think about the pregnancy and we also did some other medical work ups again. After many months they found a problem with my wife’s coagulation and “blood clots”. The doctor gave her a prescription for the treatment and after, we thought again about another pregnancy.
Seven months later my wife was pregnant again. We were afraid about it and at the same time, happy. Unfortunately the same situation occurred again at 6 weeks, another miscarriage had happened again. Our moral was terrible, my wife and I were very stressed. At that time every thought in our minds were dark and again we were so stressed and depressed.
That was when I started to imagine and to use the power of imagination. One weekend we were at a coffee near the house. This coffee bar always gives you different quotes when they serve you your coffee or tea. That day my quote was “A child in the family”. I put it in my wallet and I read it each morning and each night and I felt full of gratitude for the message that the Universe had sent to me that day.
After 5 years another pregnancy came and it was a surprise for us even though we had been waiting a long time for it. I didn’t stop believing this time and I put it in a strong effort to convince my wife to not lose faith, that everything this time would go well. I reminded her of the quote and she felt much better. I was very convinced that everything would go fine this time.
At the end of 36 weeks our baby girl has come and now we are so satisfied!! The Universe has given me the best miracle in my life and we are feeling so proud for our daughter.
The Secret gave us the power to move on. In the end I want to sent a big message to the whole world; “You can do and be whatever you want, just believe in yourself”.
Thank you to The Secret and Rhonda.