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Always Getting Better!
Submitted by: Desi Ch.
BulgariaJust one happy person.
I am a 20 year old girl from Bulgaria. The first thing that happened to me and made me understand The Secret was when I was 11 years old. Initially I should mention that I am a dancer since I was a toddler. This is, as I like to say, my thing.
So it started with a backache and continued with numbness in the feet till I couldn’t even walk. It was a tumor so big that it was pressing fully on my spinal cord. It was necessary for the body of the eighth thoracic vertebra to be cut. After three complex operations, my body got two solid implants. When I asked the doctor when I would dance again he looked at me seriously and said “Let’s see if you will walk again first, do not think about dancing”. I told him that I am going back on stage, you will see!
Two years later I was dancing again. One year later I was the soloist of the group. Two more years after that, I was a dance teacher. The doctors were amazed at the speed of my recovery.
Now at 20, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, which is thought to be incurable. I was told that I will be on insulin injections all my life. An injection in the belly every time before eating, for all my life!
I said “Absolutely No!” My blood sugar level was 30.0 mmol. The normal upper limit is 6.0 mmol. After I got out from the hospital I totally changed my life. I started eating only healthy things. I talked with a dietitian and I follow her recommendations. Whenever I would go I was told “Get used to this! This is the situation and there is no way your pancreas can be fixed. Just get used to living with the thought you are sick.” But not for a moment did I believe in those words. I was totally sure that this was something transient.
And, guess what?!
I am constantly hypoglycemic and the insulin doses must be made smaller and smaller. Not once have I been hyperglycemic! The doctors were forced to stop my insulin and could not explain what was happening. Now the only thing that is different from before is that I live more healthily. And, I am happy that I am living, feeling and loving. So glad to be me and this is the thought everyone must have!