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Manifested A Dream Job.
Submitted by: Anu
IndiaI’m a very positive and happy person from India.
I wanted to share how I manifested my dream job.
Last year in October I had to resign from my job due to some personal reasons. Actually, my desire was that I wanted a remote job and the company should be either UK based or US based. I had been trying for jobs and I had been keep getting rejection emails. I attended a few interviews but got rejected. Since my preference was for only remote jobs, the competency required was high. I was getting rejection emails on a daily basis which made me feel low. For 5 months I tried but I was having fear in my mind about what would happen if I did not get a job.
Finally, in March, I decided to work on it. I gave a timeline of one month in which I would be preparing for interviews and if I still did not get a job then I would take a break. Hence during that month I started enrolling in a few short term courses and keep preparing for interviews, even though I did not have any interviews.
One day I received a call for a job and did a telephone interview. After one week I had not received any updates. I did not expect much and I started preparing for more interviews. After 2 weeks I got a call from the same recruiter and he decided to move with my profile. I attended a lot of interviews and finally, I got the job that I really wanted. It is with a US based company with good pay. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Here is what I realized. Along with doing The Secret techniques, you must focus on what you want, build up your confidence, and let go of any fear. You will achieve your goal, whatever it is.