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My Life is Guided By Spirit.
Submitted by: Anne
I am a writer and I teach on the university level.
There is absolutely no question that living in the awareness that the spirit of God within is the source of our supply creates miracles. And, to keep the miracles coming and growing add the feeling of gratitude. All of this is taught in The Secret. I have been living in this awesome synchronicity for the last 25 years and have so many miracles to share, but today I’ll share two.
When I was living in Santa Monica, I would take a morning walk each day. Often I walked on a remote street that overlooked the Canyon as well as the Pacific Ocean. I had been a guest in one of the houses on that street once and dreamed one day of living in it with it’s magnificent views. It was a modest house but had the open energy I dreamed of. I would try to make it a habit to fall asleep at night, imagining myself falling asleep in the bedroom of that house, French doors open, breezes coming through and overlooking the Canyon. When I would wash dishes, I would imagine looking out of the window over the sink of my dream house, which overlooked the canyon and caught a glimpse of the ocean. I would end my visualization by thinking: This or something better.
Fast forward: When I was finally able to buy a house in Santa Monica, I had enough for a modest house. My husband and I hired a real estate agent who took us to houses in our price range. Not quite what I was hoping for. My heart sank. One day, we were to meet our agent at her office. As we waited for her to finish with another client, my husband found a flier for a house for sale in the Canyon. It was on the street I had dreamed about! And, it was the exact amount we had to spend on our house. The minute my husband and I walked into the house, we knew it was ours. It was two doors down from the house I had dreamed of living in and yes, it was better! The views, the energy, it was magical!!
Ten years later, my husband and I decided to move to the east coast. We had a set amount for which to buy land. Same as Santa Monica, everything in our price range was not even close to what we had in mind. However, I recalled and maintained the gratitude and faith after our experience in Santa Monica. One day, my mother found an ad in a local paper advertising a piece of land in the area we were looking at the price that we had in mind. In the ad, however, there was no specific address listed nor was there a phone number to call. If you were interested, you had to write a letter. I figured it was probably not a great piece of land at that price because I had been looking for a year and knew what was available and the going rates but, I wrote my letter that day. I got a call two days later from the owner, who lived in another state. She told me exactly where the parcel was. I drove over and could not believe my eyes! It was the most beautiful acre in a highly desired area and it was, once again, the exact price we wanted to spend. We made our offer that day. The best part was the woman who owned the land and I worked out all the details ourselves, no lawyers, no agents!
I have so many stories like this with regards to work and relationships, I could go on and on. I am gratefully in a place where now I giggle, knowing that the Universe, my partner in life on earth, delivers all that I am ready and available for, always.