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Ask The Universe And You Shall Receive.
Submitted by: Carmen
Pacifica, CaliforniaAspiring Health Coach, self employed, Mother.
A few months before I was due to have my baby, I lost my job and soon after I couldn’t afford my apartment anymore. It was exactly twelve years ago I sat in a homeless shelter for pregnant women. My ex-boyfriend didn’t care to be part of my child’s life, or mine for that matter. My life felt hopeless and I felt so alone in the world.
One day I decided to walk to a bookstore where I discovered The Secret. I heard about the book from a friend who highly recommended it. I bought the book and I was fascinated by the law of attraction. At first it was hard for me to conceptualize what the book was teaching me. I never read anything before about increasing my vibration and having a belief in myself. How could the LOA work for me? But, I was mesmerized with everything I read. I desperately wanted to change my life and my baby’s life.
A few months passed and I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to stay at the shelter for too long. So every day I would look up at the sky and say to the Universe that I will have a job and a place to live. It will be a two bedroom apartment for us and I will work from home. I wanted to stay close to my baby because he needed me.
Now, one of the things the book taught me was I had to hold those thoughts and act as if it already happened. I started looking for apartments to rent. I didn’t have a job or a deposit to pay for an apartment. But that didn’t stop me from calling several apartment buildings. I told myself the job will arrive soon and to just keep looking for a place to live. I would ask the Universe again and let it go. Several weeks passed.
Then one day I called an apartment manager for the second time and asked her if she had a vacant apartment. She remembered me and said yes, there is a vacant apartment, but it comes with a job. She told me to call the Property Owners and talk to them. Two weeks later I met with the owners and they offered me the job and the apartment!!