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Journey To Entrepreneurship.
Submitted by: Chandni Tolani
MumbaiI am 29 years old and I reside in the city of Mumbai. I run a firm called Boomerang Media and this is a story of my journey towards building it.
I was doing my graduation in Media and Communications when everyone in my family would ask me what I wanted to be or what career I was planning to choose. I would without a thought, tell them that I want to have my own agency after a couple of years of experience. They would either smile and think of me as over ambitious or ignore it as an innocent remark.
I read The Secret during the final year of my graduation and it changed my life. I decided to attract whatever I wanted by thinking about it and saying it out loud. I used positivity and positive thoughts to change the way I thought.
In my first job interview, the interviewer asked me, “Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?” I answered almost instantly, ” I see myself sitting on a chair in my own office, sipping on tea and working with some great clients.”. I kept bombarding myself with the same thoughts and 4 years later with a lot of motivation from people around me, I started my own company called Boomerang Media. A year later, I got my own office space and it has been 5 years today that Boomerang Media is running and has catered to over 200 clients.
I truly believe in the law of attraction and although it is not always easy to control your mind, it is not so hard either. Thoughts become things and the Universe is listening. That is what I tell myself and everyone around me.