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It works!!!
Submitted by: Alyona T.
Rossosh, RussiaPhotographer :)
I used to be negative about everything, and after all the bad relationships I started to feel like I’d never find “the one”. My sister showed me The Secret, and after a while of really getting to understand it, I visualized my perfect partner. He liked the same things I liked, he was gorgeous, and he was tall. 🙂
I became more confident with myself, meditated, became more healthy, and would thank the universe for giving me my perfect partner because I was certain I would find him.
After only a month, someone new moved into my small town- a 25 year old man, a filmmaker, and perfect for me!! We met and got along instantly, and have been together for a year now.
I am so thankful for finding out about The Secret, it has helped with this and so many other things 🙂