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I Manifested In Literally One Day!
Submitted by: Aleksandra Petrovic
Skopje, MacedoniaBorn and raised in Skopje, Macedonia but moved to the United States almost 9 years ago. I was 23 years old when I was preparing to move to the USA. It was a challenging time for me but my mom reminded me that I never finished the book she gave me, The Secret. I finished reading The Secret and that helped me so much in my transition. I’ll be forever grateful to my mom because instead of being afraid, I became so excited about stepping into the unknown, joyfully.
It was a few years ago on a Friday night in Manhattan, NY. The night was warm and beautiful but I decided not to go out and instead, to stay home to relax. I turned on the TV and one of my favorite shows was on, “How I Met Your Mother.” I had already watched all the seasons, twice, but never enough of those funny episodes. So I knew I would have a fun night with some good laughs, and I did!
The crazy part was that while the first commercial came on, I started to visualize. I imagined how I would meet one of my favorite actors, Josh Radnor, who played Ted Mosby, in real life. I imagined that I met him on the subway. I visualized how I entered the subway and at the next stop, he gets on. The visualization was extremely exciting and I was shaking just because I was experiencing the joy of seeing him on the subway, even though it was just in my thoughts.
I approached him and talked to him. It was one of my most powerful visualizations because I experienced extreme excitement and joy in my chest and my whole being was on fire. I loudly told myself, ”Aleks, you are nuts!”, lol.
Anyway, the next day I woke up and got ready for my first daytime date. I was not very interested in going on this date but I decided to give it a chance. After an enjoyable walk in Central Park, I decided to leave. So I went into a market to buy myself sushi. While I was waiting in line to pay, a friend of mine called me to tell me about a great salad bar that recently opened on the Upper West Side on 80th street. I was on 59th street and would need the subway to get up there, so I told him, “next time”.
Then when it was my turn to pay, I suddenly told the cashier that I had changed my mind. I surprised myself with my sudden decision. I was already walking to the subway station to go uptown to that salad bar. Crazy, right? I was wondering why I made that decision when I was so hungry, as I believe that we do things for a reason! It turned out that the salad was really delicious so I was happy about that.
When I left I called my friend to tell him what I did. He was laughing and said he would never do that if he was really hungry! We decided to meet downtown in Greenwich Village on 4th street. It took me a few minutes to decide how to get there, taxi or subway? I decided to go by subway.
I will forever be grateful for my decision, because, are you ready for this, guys?
On the next stop, as I visualized less than 24 hours ago, Josh Radnor, my favorite actor from the show, How I Met Your Mother, walked onto the subway and stood right next to me!
My legs and hands were shaking. I started sweating and my mind was going nuts! I could not comprehend what was happening. So, I literally took my phone out and started typing “Hey Josh, this is not happening. Yesterday I literally visualized that I meet you on the subway, and here I am standing right next to you.” Without even thinking, I just spread my hand towards him and showed him the text, without even looking at him! I am laughing even now remembering how crazy and brave I was.
The next thing I heard was, “Are you serious? You really visualized that yesterday?” He couldn’t believe his eyes when he read my text. He got so excited and started a conversation. He told me that nobody ever approached him like this before and he was very surprised. We took a ‘Secret Selfie’ and we carried on.
He put his headphones back on. I was shaking and thinking about who to call first to share my insanely, crazy experience with. During those few moments when I was feeling in awe, I felt a tap on my shoulder. He repeated “Really? Did you really visualize this moment yesterday? Because I believe in the law of attraction but this is crazy, this is insane!” I agreed!!
We both got off on the next stop and we hugged, said thank you to each other, and I lost him in the crowd.
When I finally met my friend at West 4th street and told him everything, he laughed and said “You are a witch!”
I have a few other stories to share, but I will leave them for next time. I am so grateful that The Secret found me, and that I learned about the power that we have within. We just need to learn how to use it! It is so powerful!