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Magical Health.
Submitted by: Believer
IndiaI am a believer in the Universe and experiencing good every day.
I have been practicing gratitude deeply ever since I started reading The Magic. I had been suffering from a cold and cough for more than 2 weeks. During that time I was reading The Magic. So I practiced Day 4 of The Magic practices called Magical Health, and I kept on doing it every day.
Then after 3 or 4 days, everything about my body changed. My cold was gone as well as my coughing, which stopped. I am breathing very easily now and feel good! Because of this, I know the power of gratitude and I hope that everyone will receive all they want by using the gratitude practice.
I am grateful to Rhonda Byrne for teaching us the power of gratitude in the simplest way. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!