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I have a car
Submitted by: Cynthia
South AfricaMother, teacher, writer, artist, lover, wife...
I went window shopping for a car even though my finances were tight and I only had my learners license (waiting to get my driver’s.)
I went to several car dealers, looked at the cars, discussed which ones I liked. I declared to the Universe that I’d have a car by the end of this year.
I work 15 minutes’ drive from home, but it takes me a whole hour to get to work by public transport. I’ve had to pay a neighbor to help carry my groceries in his car whenever I had to shop. I am also studying further at the University of Pretoria and every Tuesday I had to pay the same neighbor to fetch me late after class. There have been days when I had to knock off late at work and there isn’t transport after 7 in the evening and I’ve struggled.
So, I kept saying I’ll be driving myself before the end of the year and left the hows to the Universe. I didn’t want to look at the discouraging situation of my finances. I allowed myself to believe.
My beautiful car is parked in the garage as I type. Very easy payment and terms. I’m still surprised at what God/the Universe can do. I realise it doesn’t matter what the situation looks like, if I want something hard enough, nothing can stop me from getting it.
I’m loving the Secret and I’m loving life. I’ve told myself this is just the beginning of a much more beautiful content life.
I’ve written wife in my biography because that’s what I’m working on now. Soon I will write about how my prince married me.