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Grateful To Be Surrounded By People I Love Now.
Submitted by: Cassie
Melbourne20, uni student.
Hello there!
First of all, thank you to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team for enlightening me and thus, enabling me to completely change my life for the better.
I have written here before. This is my 2nd time. The first time I wrote, I had mentioned about how positivity changed my life, and how I lost 35 kg among other things. A lot has happened since the last time I have written.
My mother had always been overprotective. That’s what I thought she was. Now that I’m in my early twenties, I realize that she was abusing me. She also prevented me from keeping in touch with my family. I was unhappy, I knew that other mothers were not like her because by then, it had been 3 years since I had been practicing the exercises in The Magic. I try to incorporate the practices into my daily life and it has caused tremendous and positive changes for me, trust me on that.
Early this January, she was diagnosed with schizophrenia. That explained her erratic behavior. My life took a totally different turn then. My father took me in. I finally got a chance to be with my family. I don’t have siblings but my cousins and I have grown so close, we are like siblings. I am surrounded by people I love. My father gives me freedom, and at the same time, he is guiding me through my degree.
Last year, I thought that I’d only be happy once I graduated, got a stable job and moved somewhere else to start fresh. So I focused on working hard to get straight As, losing weight, and building up my self confidence. I remember breaking down a lot. It was a rocky 2 years for me but thanks to Rhonda, I managed to keep my positive drive going.
I still remember all that I did to improve myself and my perception of life. I read all of Rhonda’s books. My favorites are The Power and The Magic because they talk about loving life and gratitude.
I also read Robin Sharma’s books and watched his YouTube videos. I remember watching Bob Proctor videos and Brendon Burchard’s videos on YouTube. I used to play them in the background while studying. My friend also introduced me to ‘Blogilates’ as I was in the middle of my weight loss journey.
If you want to find a way to stay motivated throughout the day, I would say to start your day of with exercise because exercise releases endorphins. Endorphins make you happy.
And Cassey Ho is a particularly positive and uplifting fitness guru. I realize that she incorporates positive thinking into her workout videos. I also visualized a lot. I visualized freedom and happiness, and being surrounded by loved ones. Every single day.
And it came true.
I know this was really lengthy but I just wanted to share my experience with you. Be grateful. Be passionate about life. Give thanks for everything, from food to nature. Give thanks for everyone in your life.
Thank you so very much once again, to Rhonda and team for putting together the books, movies and other material. And also to the Universe for somehow making me read see and read them. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you so very much!