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Got My Dream Car!
Submitted by: Miss s
wirral, england26 year old single mother who is a big believer of The Secret.
I have been a fan of The Secret for a few years now and I read it again and again when I am feeling down or negative. I put a list on my mirror about 2 months before Christmas saying that I wanted a black Audi convertible before Christmas. There was no way I thought this could come true but I had hope.
A week before Christmas while shopping for a tree with my dad, he shows me an black Audi for sale on his phone at a garage and it had a price range that I could afford. The next day we went to look at it. I test drove it and within 5 days it was mine! So big things that you think can not come true, can come true! Now I wish to get to my dream weight and meet the perfect man and have more children.