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Getting my family back living together
Submitted by: Robyn D.
New HampshireI am marrried for 19 years to a wonderful man and have one amazing teen age daughter. My life is blessed in many ways.
I currently live in NH. My husband lost his job in the summer of 2006. He accepted a job in Washington state, 3000 miles away. Unfortunately, my daughter and I could not follow yet as I had not secured a new job out there, nor had we sold our house out here in NH. Both of which need to happen before we can all move out there. So, for the last 6 months my family has been living apart with daily phone calls to keep us connected.
I saw The Secret 3 weeks ago on the Oprah show and immediately purchased the book. It has had a profound impact on me and my family. The Law of Attraction and the life gratitude are enabling me to manifest our life back together.
Just yesterday, I received a job transfer offer from the company I work with to take over the Washington market. Now we just need to sell the home in NH so that we will be able to afford the move.
It is all coming together. I believe it will and it is. I am truly blessed. I just needed to reinforce it.