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Firetrucks Everywhere
Submitted by: Natalie
Chicago, ILI am a young woman finding her way in life and love empowered by The Secret
After reading so many inspiring stories on here, I wanted to contribute my own positive empowering story to all the lovely people out there searching for hope and a change in their lives. The Secret has really shifted the focus of my life. After watching it, I felt hope and belief that all things were possible. It is a transformative film and integrating it into ones life is a journey towards such good things, such joy.
I have been working on manifesting larger things, such as healing my relationship with my mate. Which seems to be manifesting, although somewhat slower, due to negative thoughts. Those are harder to eliminate and shift my belief system than I thought. But I decided to ask the universe for a sign. I asked the universe to show me a firetruck every time my boyfriend and I were coming closer together. That way I would feel hopeful and empowered to continue the positive thinking towards our relationship.
Low and behold, now everywhere I go I see firetrucks! I will be out with my friends and all of a sudden we’ll see tons of firetrucks everywhere. I told my friends and they are amazed that no matter where we go there will be firetrucks and even sometimes just the firetruck siren in the air. It is really magical and I know my relationship is next! Please keep hopeful and positive and know that all you desire can and should be yours. If only you believe and use the Law of Attraction.