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Finally, Eyes Wide Open
Submitted by: Donna J
Camrose, Alberta, CanadaI am 54 yrs old and 20 at heart. I recently separated from an abusive common-law husband, am trying to overcome 2 major illness diagnoses, and have one wonderful granddaughter and a grandson on the way.
I am on page 144 of The Secret — for the first time — and I am blissfully in heaven. I have watched the DVD once, and I literally sobbed with joy.
For the first time in my life, I am able to express what I have always believed, and always thought to be true — and it is the way of The Secret. It brings tears to my eyes — of the utmost joy — just to be able to write these words. My only real problem in life has been that over the years I allowed myself to believe what society told me to believe, and I let the ‘real’ me fade away.
I felt so very alone, and I didn’t understand why. I kept looking for love, believing that if I could only find the right ‘man,’ then all would be well. So of course, because I wasn’t believing in myself enough, I kept meeting men, but the wrong ones and the wrong kind. Finally after years of abuse, I got angry enough to get fed up and I made up my mind to get out of my situation. I had no idea where I was going to find a place to live, as rentals are at a 0% vacancy rate where I live, but I started packing all my things anyway. I didn’t even look for a place to move to — I just kept packing. When my packing was finished, I looked in the paper, called a number, immediately went to see the manager, and I had a place that day. Everyone was in shock that I found a place at all — including me! I had used the Secret and I didn’t even know it!!
That was 6 months ago. Since then, everything has started to go my way. First it was just little unexpected things — so much so that I began to confide about them to my daughter. And the more I confided, the more things kept going inexplicably right, and the things just keep getting bigger and better. I put on much needed weight without even trying. My aches and pains from my illnesses are steadily decreasing. My skin is improving and my daughter says I look 10 years younger! But I still didn’t know about the Secret until a week ago.
Now every corner I turn brings more joy to me. I get so excited about the Secret and how much it means that sometimes I don’t even get sleepy! Every day gets so much better that I don’t want it to end!
The business I’ve always wanted to start is becoming a reality — the people I need are just coming into our lives out of the woodwork — good people with good hearts, helping me before I even ask. And I have no doubts anymore that all my dreams are real.
Now when I look back on my life, I see many times where I have used the Secret — I just didn’t know it until now. I didn’t know that it was me who made those things happen.
I truly thank you, Rhonda Byrne, for writing the Secret, and I thank everyone for spreading the word, the same reality that I believed when I was 14 years old. I just didn’t know that anyone else believed what I do, and I fell into that disillusioning web that so much of society tells us to dwell on — the negativity, the wars, the things we ‘can’t’ do, or ‘can’t’ be.
I started to believe I wasn’t good enough and never would be.
And I kept falling deeper and deeper into the trap until something inside me raged to get out. I changed my life and then I found you.
Thank you with all my heart. I know my dreams will come true — they already have — for I am back, seeing the light again, and I will be forever grateful.
With love,
Donna J