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Finding Money.
Submitted by: Federica
SwitzerlandI am a very happy, smiling person.
Hi everyone,
Even if a lot of people say that I am an always smiling person, I can sometimes be feeling very depressed. Since I left home and I have my own life, I have made a lot of bad money decisions and took out a lot of credit cards and used credit as money. It seemed that every time I did it, I never did learn my lesson.
Last month I got like a last chance to realize that I needed to make more wise decisions. I am always complaining that I never have money to do this or do that. But when I think about it, how many times have I already found money on the street. Like really notes of money, not only the coins! I was walking a week ago with my niece on the street and I found yet again, some money on the street. I think the Universe is just telling me something. That there is a time where everything is getting solved but I need to do it in very small steps and I do not have to stress myself. I do not need to think negative about it like thinking”Again, not enough to pay this and that”. I get it! Now I am being grateful for all the things I have and the money I keep receiving.