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Finally On The Road To Success
Submitted by: N D
London, UKOK, let me start at the very beginning. Last December, I was eating breakfast with my Mum and sister, when my sister brought up The Secret. It was something that she had previously discussed with my Mum and she was writing down the name of the books. I must admit, at the time I was not really interested, but because my Mum kept asking me to get the books for her, I started to read up on it. After getting a good deal from Amazon for The Secret, The Power and The Daily Teachings I decided to do some research to find out what The Secret actually is.
I found a couple of videos on Youtube and watched the first 20 mins of the film online and I was hooked. I started Googling everything I could. I found that so many people use The Secret and was intrigued by the stories of celebs such as Oprah, Jim Carey and Will Smith using the Law of Attraction to get where they are today. So I thought “Why not?”
The books came a few days later and my Mum suggested that I read the books first as my driving test was coming up. I did, I read through the book and focused on only one thing, passing my driving test.
For some reason I went on The Secret website and read all the stories online about people passing tests which were REALLY helpful. I took note on all the things I thought I could do and did them.
And then I knew what I was doing wrong. As much as I was being positive and grateful, I was still allowing doubt of not passing to settle in my mind, and because of that, I realized that I was becoming DESPERATE to pass, because I didn’t want to take anymore lessons or pay anymore money to learn how to drive ever again. All of this was placing more and more doubt. I had to let go and trust in the Universe that I would get what I want, so I did.
I made my own driver’s licence that I put in my wallet, in place of my provisional licence and carried it EVERYWHERE with me. Whenever I could, I would hold it, and focus on the licence and feel an immense feeling of gratitude for having it.
Every time I had my lesson I pretended that I was taking my instructor for a drive or that I was test-driving a car. I started to visualize as much as could, especially before my lessons. I would visualize my test and I could see my male examiner with brown hair telling me you have passed with flying colours. I could see me driving perfectly and that everything on the road was clear to me.
Every time I visualized, I could see that it was just me and the examiner in the car and that when he told me I’d passed, I cried with joy. Everything was now clear to me and there was not doubt in my mind of the outcome.
I then started thanking the Universe for helping me to pass my driving test and giving me an easy test and that all the signs were clear and that I was a safe and confident driver. And I felt this with all my heart.
On the day of my test, although there were a few butterflies in my stomach I wasn’t nervous at all and whenever I felt the nerves trying to come I would say to myself “Why should I be nervous for something that I’ve already got?!”
At the test centre my driving instructor asked me if I wanted him in the car whilst I took my test and although I did, I said no as every time I visualized I saw only myself and the examiner in the car. I said no and made a joke about it, which made me laugh which helped me confirm to myself that I was making the right decision.
After what felt like a 20 minute drive the examiner asked me to pull up, I expected him to ask me to do a manoeuvre but to my surprise he said to me “You’ll be pleased to know that you’ve passed your driving test. Here’s a copy of the test but there’s not much on it.”
I cried and laughed at the same time! And thanked him and the Universe about a million times in the space of a minute!
The Driving Test lasts about 40 mins and mine felt like 20! Everything that I asked for I got right down to having a male examiner with brown hair!! Something I once found so difficult, I did with total ease! It was as if someone else was driving!
Although the examiner didn’t quite say that I’d passed with flying colours he did say that he didn’t have to write much down on the test sheet and all in all I had four minor fails!! ONLY FOUR! And that was more than good enough for me!
I am so grateful for my sister for bringing The Secret into my life, for finding the books on Amazon, Youtube, for my Mum who suggested I read it, The Secret Website, the inspirational stories and last but not least to the Universe for making everything possible!