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Falling In Love With Me
Submitted by: Dorothy J.
Gastonia, NCI am recently divorced after 25 years of marriage and had been extremely lonely.
I had been so negative, down on myself, feeling ugly, alone and without hope. I actually hated myself.
I feel that the law of attraction began working for me even before I saw the movie. I began feeling an urgency to view the movie, so much so that I downloaded it with dialup which I knew would not work. The very next day I signed up for roadrunner and was able to watch the movie.
After viewing the movie I was in awe. I began to smile, to feel good about me. The next morning I got up happy singing, I spoke aloud how grateful I was to be alive, for my apartment, for my job which I’d complained about every morning and hated to go to, for how I was falling in love with me. I took so much time I forgot to make my lunch and I didn’t have money to buy lunch. On the way to work remembering that I began to be thankful for my lunch, expecting and knowing that there would be lunch for me. At 11:30 lunch had been ordered for a training class and one of the trainers came to me and asked if I’d like pizza for lunch. Of course I thanked him aloud and silently smiled and thanked the universe. At 12:30 one of the gentlemen that had come into town for the training came to me and stated he did not know they were ordering lunch for the class and when he’d gone out the night before ordered an extra steak dinner to bring for his lunch and asked me if I’d like that steak dinner. Once again I was thankful to him and the universe. This (Secret) really works. This came after one night. I viewed “the Secret” on a Thursday night, this happened on Friday.
One other thing, since I’m starting my life over I’ve been accumulating the things I need slowly. I was without a vacuum cleaner. After the universe supplied my lunch so easily I began being grateful for my vacuum cleaner Friday evening. On Saturday by noon there were four vacuum cleaners in my apartment. I am now thankful for my new 2007 Jaguar, 4 bedroom 3 bath home on the lake, new business WTTHHW (Working Together To Heal Hurting Women) and $50,000,000.00 in what ever order the universe decides to provide them. I don’t want be picky about, that just GRATEFUL. I’ll let you know as they are created for me.
“Man can form things in his thought, …… can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.”
I am so grateful for the people who has introduced The Secret to us and I intend to share with everyone how I got so successful. How I started out with Nothing and became Rich.