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Expected Outcome
Submitted by: DH
USAWorking mom learning to have joy in life
Hello. I am writing to share my story. I have read many stories that have inspired me on this board and I want to thank everyone who has shared experiences and outcomes.
I got behind on my mortgage and was worried that I may lose my house. I had watched The Secret movie but did not understand how to use the Law of Attraction. I would say the words but had no feeling behind it. I then read The Magic and it has now clicked for me.
My mortgage is now current and at a payment I can afford. In the book it tells you not to limit how your blessing will manifest. I kept seeing it done one way but it was done another way. I at first questioned why it was done that way and not the way I envisioned but then I realized the result was the same. I got what I asked for and I am so GRATEFUL.
I finally understand and am truly grateful for understanding the LOA.
Thank you Rhonda and her team for making this information available to everyone who seeks this knowledge.