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I Dreamed Of A Boyfriend Then Got Him.
Submitted by: Wenyu
United StatesI am a 3rd-year undergraduate at the University of Michigan studying economics.
This happened last year, when I was just a freshman at University of Michigan. I was a girl who had never been in a relationship before, and to be honest, remaining single while everyone around me had a significant other was pretty rough. That winter of my freshman year, I randomly started “dreaming” and jotting down qualities that I was looking for in my dream man. Of course I didn’t take anything that I wrote down seriously. I had school to focus on, and that’s all I needed. Who needs a boyfriend when I have school, I said to myself.
Then 3 months later I met a guy at the front desk of my dorm. Oddly, right when I saw him at a distance, I heard my heart speaking to me, “See that guy? Go there and sit next to him.” I thought that was really weird, since nothing like this has happened before. Regardless, I followed my heart.
After I sat down, I heard a voice speaking to me, “Great, now chat with the Residential Advisor, and this guy will join in for sure!” Oh pshh, yeah right, because I can totally hit up a guy by not chatting with him”. I mocked that voice but followed it’s request just wanting to prove it wrong. Surprisingly, this guy really joined in my conversation with the RA. Now I’m full of shock. “Holy crap, you are right, and this boy is kinda cute,” I whispered to the voice, “What should I do now?” “Well, I want you to follow your intuition/heart, and it will prove that this man is special to you. “.
That night, the boy asked me for my number, and long story short, we’ve been together for about a year now.
What makes him special dates back to last summer when I randomly flipped through my phone and saw the note of “my dream man”. I opened it up, just to see how ridiculous my past wishes were. To my surprise once again, my boyfriend, Tyler, matches up with every single quality that I wrote down!!!!
Thank you, God, for granting me my wish!!!
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”
– Matthew 7:7