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Doubled my income
Submitted by: Dee
MissouriSales and Marketing Representative and mother of 2.
In 2007 I was working a job that I hated and felt horribly under paid in. A girlfriend of mine had started reading The Secret and sent me a copy because she thought I would like it. I started reading the book, changing my thinking, getting excited (I have to confess, I didn’t finish the book), and almost immediately I was contacted by a competitor in my industry. I was offered more than double what I was making in my current position. I took the job and never looked back.
Over the last year we have had some financial difficulties and unexpected expenses. I started looking for my copy of The Secret and couldn’t find it anywhere. I ran out and bought a new copy and when I started reading it, I realized I had stopped practicing the principles of the Secret. I had become stressed about money, not having enough, etc. I am so thankful that I was compelled to start reading again. I won’t forget it this time. It is so much fun to get excited about what the Universe wants to give to me.